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What is the point of using RiverpodGenerator or Freezed as I understand we could just do CRUD operations to implement our data using models. But why, when and how do we use RiverpodGenerator?



  1. It just anout make it easier to implement the providers and reduce the error until producing the providers, it can save your time and make the development faster.
    Maybe you will not know the feature of it until you work on a larger projects.

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  2. RiverpodGenerator and Freezed have completely different uses.

    If we are talking about RiverpodGenerator, it solves some problems (compared to the classical definition):

    • a clearer syntax based on classical functions
    • pass as many parameters as needed + both positional and named parameters are available. In the past, we limited ourselves to the family
    • stateful hot-reload of the code written in Riverpod

    If we’re talking about Freezed, it’s for:

    • easy and quick immutability of objects
    • immediately overridden hashcode/==
    • Matching in different styles

    That said, it’s very flexible right now. The modifier @Freezed(...) allows you to redefine almost completely the result of generation.

    All of this may soon fade into oblivion. And to date, the developers of Dart are actively working on it.

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