I am learning list and here i have created a simple demo for traversing all numbers of list using map…
according to me it should print ‘okay’ 9 times as i have nine integer inside a list
and another new thing is that if i print this list named x after this line of code..it works which i have commented.
final List<int> numbers=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90];
final x=numbers.where((element) {
return element>50;
// if i print x it will show hello
void main() {
final List numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90];
his code is a straightforward demonstration of filtering data in Dart using built-in collection methods, showcasing important programming principles applicable across various languages. For further details on Dart’s collection methods and their usage, you can refer to the official Dart documentation.
[ where ] method in Dart returns a lazy iterable
Okay only executed when you start iterating over x
toList() method forces the iteration of the [where] clause which causing the print(‘Okay’) statement to execute 9 times.
Hope it will help