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Im learning JS and the new project Im working on is about a card game with 52 cards. Im trying to mix all the cards to give them out to places where the players are. I try to only deal player one’s card first to see if my code works or not but it just shows one random card even though each player has to get 13 cards

function Start() {

  let Karten = new Array();

  Karten[0] = "1h.png";
  Karten[1] = "2h.png";
  Karten[2] = "3h.png";
  Karten[3] = "4h.png";
  Karten[4] = "5h.png";
  Karten[5] = "6h.png";
  Karten[6] = "7h.png";
  Karten[7] = "8h.png";
  Karten[8] = "9h.png";
  Karten[9] = "10h.png";
  Karten[10] = "soldath.png";
  Karten[11] = "queenh.png";
  Karten[12] = "kingh.png";
  Karten[13] = "1k.png";
  Karten[14] = "2k.png";
  Karten[15] = "3k.png";
  Karten[16] = "4k.png";
  Karten[17] = "5k.png";
  Karten[18] = "6k.png";
  Karten[19] = "7k.png";
  Karten[20] = "8k.png";
  Karten[21] = "9k.png";
  Karten[22] = "10k.png";
  Karten[23] = "soldatk.png";
  Karten[24] = "queenk.png";
  Karten[25] = "kingk.png";
  Karten[26] = "1ka.png";
  Karten[27] = "2ka.png";
  Karten[28] = "3ka.png";
  Karten[29] = "4ka.png";
  Karten[30] = "5ka.png";
  Karten[31] = "6ka.png";
  Karten[32] = "7ka.png";
  Karten[33] = "8ka.png";
  Karten[34] = "9ka.png";
  Karten[35] = "10ka.png";
  Karten[36] = "soldatka.png";
  Karten[37] = "queenka.png";
  Karten[38] = "kingka.png";
  Karten[39] = "1p.png";
  Karten[40] = "2p.png";
  Karten[41] = "3p.png";
  Karten[42] = "4p.png";
  Karten[43] = "5p.png";
  Karten[44] = "6p.png";
  Karten[45] = "7p.png";
  Karten[46] = "8p.png";
  Karten[47] = "9p.png";
  Karten[48] = "10p.png";
  Karten[49] = "soldap.png";
  Karten[50] = "queenp.png";
  Karten[51] = "king.png";

  var zufall = Math.floor(Math.random() * Karten.length);

  document.getElementById("Karten").src = Karten[zufall];

<div id="alles">
  <div id="Spieler1">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
    <img id="Karten">
  <div id="Spieler2">
  <div id="Spieler3">
  <div id="Spieler4">



    1. IDs need to be unique
    2. DRY, do not repeat yourself
    3. Shuffle the array before using it

    Here is an advanced version that is worth studying

    const getShuffledArr = arr => { if (arr.length === 1) { return arr}; const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length); return [arr[rand], ...getShuffledArr(arr.filter((_, i) => i != rand))]; }; //
    const karten = getShuffledArr(["h", "k", "a", "p"].flatMap(farbe => Array.from({length: 10})
      .map((_, i) => `${i+1}${farbe}.png`).concat(["soldat", "queen", "kingh"].map(card => `${card}${farbe}.png`)))); // shuffled array
    const len = karten.length;
    const handLength = 13;
    const start = () => { 
      document.getElementById("alles").innerHTML = Array.from({length: 4})
        .map((_, i) => `<div class="spieler" id="spieler${i+1}"><h3>Spieler ${i+1}</h3>
        ${Array.from({length: 13})
          .map((_, i) => `<img src="${karten.pop()}" />`).join('')} // we could sort here
    <div id="alles">
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  1. There are many issues in your code that start with a faulty concept.

    You have an array of 52 cards, pick then a random card and display it to the hand of player 1.

    There your concept already fails. It allows the script to theoretically give all 4 players the same card 13 times. If you hand out cards to players, then the same card can in reality only exist once.

    1. You should shuffle your deck of cards where you can use shuffling algorithms as explained here
    2. You need to create a copy of your array by using the Array.from() method
    3. Then you need to hand out the cards to the players and remove that card from the deck by using the Array.prototype.shift() method
    4. Last but not least you should display the cards by adding the images dynamically with the createElement function
    // creates a deck of 52 cards dynamically
    const KARTEN = [
      'Karo 2',
      'Karo 3',
      'Karo 4',
      'Karo 5',
      'Karo 6',
      'Karo 7',
      'Karo 8',
      'Karo 9',
      'Karo 10',
      'Karo Bube',
      'Karo Dame',
      'Karo König',
      'Karo Ass',
      'Herz 2',
      'Herz 3',
      'Herz 4',
      'Herz 5',
      'Herz 6',
      'Herz 7',
      'Herz 8',
      'Herz 9',
      'Herz 10',
      'Herz Bube',
      'Herz Dame',
      'Herz König',
      'Herz Ass',
      'Pik 2',
      'Pik 3',
      'Pik 4',
      'Pik 5',
      'Pik 6',
      'Pik 7',
      'Pik 8',
      'Pik 9',
      'Pik 10',
      'Pik Bube',
      'Pik Dame',
      'Pik König',
      'Pik Ass',
      'Kreuz 2',
      'Kreuz 3',
      'Kreuz 4',
      'Kreuz 5',
      'Kreuz 6',
      'Kreuz 7',
      'Kreuz 8',
      'Kreuz 9',
      'Kreuz 10',
      'Kreuz Bube',
      'Kreuz Dame',
      'Kreuz König',
      'Kreuz Ass'
    const HAND_SPIELER_EINS = document.querySelector('#kartenSpieler1');
    document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function() {
    // clears the hands of the players 
    function leereHaende() {
      while (HAND_SPIELER_EINS.firstChild) {
      kartenSpielerEins = [];
    // creates a shuffled copy of the deck
    let gemischteKarten;
    function mischeKarten() {
        for (let i = KARTEN.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
            [KARTEN[i], KARTEN[j]] = [KARTEN[j], KARTEN[i]];
        gemischteKarten = Array.from(KARTEN);
    // distribute cards to 4 players
    let kartenSpielerEins = [];
    function verteileKarten() {
      for (let i = 13; i > 0; i--) { 
    // displays the cards
    function kartenAnzeigen() {
      for (let i = 0; i < kartenSpielerEins.length; i++) {
        let neueKarte = document.createElement('img');
        neueKarte.alt = kartenSpielerEins[i];
    img {
      display: block;
    <button>Teile Karten Aus</button>
    <div id="kartenSpieler1"></div>
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