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Having to decide on two different approaches for dealing with component view between loading. By "best way" I’m talking about performance, UI less blinking (less DOM renderizations), whatever you know.

Option 1: Use loading variable to hide content while not ready

// .scss
  .loading {
    visibility: hidden;

// .ts
this.loading = false;
this.service.getLetters().then(array => {
  this.loading = array.length === 0;

// .html
<div [ngClass]="{ 'loading': loading}">
  <div *ngFor="let letter in letters">
  <div *ngIf="letters.length === 0">
    No letters to be shown

Option 2: Using promises to switch between html

// .ts
noLetters: Promise<boolean>;
lettersPromise: Promise<Array>;
letters: Array;

this.lettersPromise = this.service.getLetters();
this.noLetters = this.lettersPromise.then(letters => letters.length === 0);

// .html
<div *ngIf="(noLetters | async) === false">
  <div *ngfor="let letter in letters">
<div *ngIf="(noLetters | async)">
  No letters to be shown

Option 2 seems more powerfull to me in terms it can be more flexible ? And I think the UI does blinks less..

Can I get an opinion on this ?



  1. You can use angularAnimations on routerOutlet.
    Visit this page for full instructions. angular routing animations

    Angular animations are pretty fast, they are translated to CSS transitions.

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  2. I doubt there is a meaningful difference in terms of performance or blinking. With the promise approach you potentially have multiple subscriptions, but compared to other aspects the performance impact should be negligible.

    The info about the changed variable arrives in the same loop and will result in the same number of render changes.

    Choose the method that’s more comfortable for you while developing / that’s easier to read. The rest just seems to be premature optimization.

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