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I am creating a page with a position: fixed; footer, which will need to expand on scroll, but take at least 100% of the page. I wanted to make my main wrapper take the whole space without ever being behind the footer. So created a min-height with calc(100vh - 120px). Here is the code:

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

#app {
  min-height: 100vh;
  max-width: 100vw;

#wrapper {
  min-height: calc( 100vh - 120px);
  height: auto;
  max-width: 100vw;

footer {
  height: 120px;
  width: 100%;
  <section id="lien-express">
    <div class="lien-express-1">
      <p>Lien lien-express</p>
    <div class="lien-express-2">
      <p>Lien lien-express</p>
    <RouterLink to="/">Home</RouterLink>
    <RouterLink to="/about">About</RouterLink>
    <RouterLink to="/portfolio">About</RouterLink>
    <RouterLink to="/catalogue">About</RouterLink>
<main id="wrapper">
  <RouterView />

My problem is that when I tell the <div> to be more than 100vh the calc function is not working. The <div> is taking all the space without talking the calc into account:

Here is the screenshot of the console to show you the difference

With 100vh:
With 100vh

With more than 100vh:
with more than 100vh



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    So the final solution that worked for me was :

    * {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        font-family: 'lato';
    body,html, #app {
        min-height: 100vh;
        max-width: 100vw;
    #wrapper {
        min-height: 100vh;
        height: auto;
        max-width: 100vw;
        padding-bottom: 120px;
    footer {
        height: 120px;
        width: 100%;
        background-color: pink;
        position: fixed;
        bottom: 0;
        display: grid;
        grid-template-rows: 1fr 2fr;
        #lien-express {
            display: flex;
            .lien-express-1 {
                @include flex-lien-express;
                background-color: $DBLUE;
            .lien-express-2 {
                @include flex-lien-express;
                background-color: $MGREY;

    The calc don't take under account an auto height. So when i was trying to calculate with calc i could not calculate with an unknown variable. But i could create a parent that was doing the job of the calc by applying a padding, at put the element inside it.

  2. If what you really want is a layout that will always fill at least 100% of the viewport and the main content stretches to fill whatever space is available while the footer is at the bottom of the content, then you should use grid like so:

    Edited so the footer always sticks at the bottom of the viewport

    * {
      padding: 0;
      box-sizing: border-box;
    body {
      margin: 0;
    #app {
      height: 100vh;
      display: grid;
      grid-template-rows: 1fr max-content; 
    header {
      padding: 1rem 2rem;
      background-color: black;
      color: white;
      margin: -1rem -2rem 2rem;
    main {
      padding: 1rem 2rem;
      overflow-y: auto;
    footer {
      padding: 1rem 2rem;
      background-color: black;
      color: white;
    <div id="app">
        <header>header will only be as big as its content and scroll away with the content.</header>
        <h1>main will stretch to fill the remaining space in the middle</h1>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores laudantium quas reprehenderit nulla. Dignissimos autem nam cupiditate repellat, magni, esse culpa aperiam iste incidunt asperiores, assumenda modi porro blanditiis laboriosam!</p>
        <p>Similique recusandae ad ex ipsa, deserunt dolor molestias eveniet at? Nostrum aspernatur corporis incidunt adipisci id consequuntur, praesentium eveniet veniam aut illum doloribus quibusdam eos molestiae nesciunt! Soluta, autem qui.</p>
        <p>Molestiae vitae dignissimos pariatur rerum repudiandae dolores sequi libero voluptas, quidem, provident, adipisci ipsam similique itaque. Alias, suscipit laborum beatae provident accusantium sunt nulla minus cupiditate ratione, commodi adipisci praesentium.</p>
        <p>Magni, a quos facilis ad quas nobis reprehenderit magnam maiores id, necessitatibus molestiae repellat, error dolores earum ex officiis totam debitis. Omnis doloremque, suscipit aliquid distinctio itaque iusto voluptas obcaecati.</p>
        <p>Quasi eos ea illum modi eum quidem maxime aperiam accusamus aliquid nam, nobis aut, esse labore voluptates non nihil molestiae earum laborum repudiandae necessitatibus deleniti obcaecati? Asperiores, aliquid laboriosam. Libero.</p>
        <p>Provident laboriosam enim eaque quo? Aliquam, nesciunt eveniet amet beatae accusantium placeat ullam. Ipsum, nihil culpa inventore libero architecto tempore voluptas, totam pariatur similique quas expedita sint molestias vitae dicta.</p>
        <p>Eos fugiat quod obcaecati, possimus, excepturi ducimus recusandae quisquam mollitia sit doloremque nihil ipsum adipisci inventore sint quasi aperiam neque quidem quos? Dolorum, doloremque iusto et quod corporis error nihil.</p>
        <p>Incidunt, provident vel id suscipit quasi ut quae eligendi accusamus, minus iusto vitae excepturi enim, modi possimus? Dolorum molestiae quis maiores, delectus similique hic nulla quasi molestias. Eligendi, eos ipsa.</p>
        <p>Labore, facere! Eligendi rerum natus alias optio dolorum facilis maiores ad tempora? Ratione doloribus laboriosam dolor repudiandae obcaecati qui cumque ducimus eos, odit debitis nesciunt illum repellendus quisquam iusto voluptatum!</p>
        <p>Accusantium quidem aliquam, aut veniam corrupti, quas temporibus, consequatur ullam blanditiis provident fugiat quibusdam. Sint aliquam esse vero corporis amet praesentium adipisci sit, quisquam perferendis ducimus repudiandae autem dolores eius.</p>
      <footer>footer will only be as big as its content and always stay at the bottom.</footer>
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