I want to style html elements in CSS using class, not id. and I need to assign 2 classes to 1 element.
I want one mother class e.g.’animal’ and smaller classes e.g. ‘mammal’ & ‘reptile’.
I could just style every element in the smaller classes individually with id’s but I’m working on a big project and that would take forever. is there a way to assign two classes to 1 element?
Yes, you can easily give multiple classes to a single element, just separate them by a space.
For example:
Now the above div has 3 classes, animal, mammal and reptile. And now you can target each just like you’d target a single class.
You can add a list of classes to an element, commonly delimited with a space.
But that is not all. A
definition in a HTML tag is also an attribute, so you can use the attribute selector to query that definition for specific values. For example:And so on, limitless posibilities. Check out more attribute selectors on this page CSS Selector Reference.