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I do not know a thing about HTML, I have experience mainly with Python and VBA, so do not expect me to elaborate a lot on what my possible solution might be.

I have to fill some forms on a website and this could be automated, because all the data that needs to be put in the text-boxes on the website is already stored in an Excel sheet.

My idea would just to make VBA make a ".txt"-File to copy and paste it on the console of the web browser and just make the questionnaires of the web site be filled semi-automatically.

I have identified the elements of the text-boxes in the HTML source code of the website in the <body> and looks like this:

<app-store-input _ngcontent-ngi-c61="" _nghost-ngi-c56="" class="ng-star-inserted">
  <app-input _ngcontent-ngi-c56="" _nghost-ngi-c55="">
   <div _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" class="labels">
    <label _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" class="label"> NAME </label>
    <label _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" class="error-label" style="position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 23px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 15px;" hidden="">
    <input _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" type="text" maxlength="150" placeholder="" title="" class="ng-dirty ng-valid ng-touched" required="">
      #shadow-root (user-agent)
        <div pseudo="-webkit-input-placeholder" id="placeholder" style="display: none !important;"></div>

I have already identified that my input for the "Name" section with the label NAME, is marked in the <input>, under the #shadow-root. Here I wrote MyName as what I would write in the text-box of the website. There are a lot more of this text-boxes, but for simplicity’s sake, I just took this one as an example.

I would have tried something like:

_ngcontent-ngi-c55.NAME = MyName

I would have used the label "NAME", because all other text-boxes look exactly the same with the same code, the only difference is the label, e.g. one is "NAME", the other "SURNAME", the other "ADRESS" and so on.

I have also tried the function of recording the actions on Chrome to do a "Performance" check of the website as a developer, but this throws a JSON-File which has to be inserted again in the "Record" part of developer tools for Chrome, not the console. This is only a half-solution, as I do not want to depend on a feature of Google Chrome to always be able to do this and I would like a universal and native solution to the console of web browsers.

Thank you all in advance.



  1. This can be achieved with a function like this. This just help you to fill your form easily.

    // Function to fill a DOM input based on the label text
    function fillInput(labelText, value) {
        let label = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('label')).find(el => el.textContent.trim() === labelText);
        if (label) {
            let appInput = label.closest('app-input');
            if (appInput) {
                let input = appInput.querySelector('input');
                if (input) {
                    input.value = value;
    // Fill form fields
    fillInput('NAME', 'MyName');
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  2. First, try this script:

    let placeholderMap = {
        NAME: "John Smith",
        EMAIL: "[email protected]",
        DESCRIPTION: "blathe blathe blup"
    let labels = document.querySelectorAll("label");
    for (let label of labels) {
        let key = label.innerText.trim();
        if (placeholderMap[key]) {
            label.innerText = placeholderMap[key];
    <label _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" class="label"> NAME </label> <br>
    <label _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" class="label"> EMAIL </label> <br>
    <label _ngcontent-ngi-c55="" class="label"> DESCRIPTION </label> <br>


    • we create placeholderMap, which will be a Javascript object of key-value pairs where the keys represent the placeholders you want to replace and the values represent the value you intend to replace them with
    • we select all labels (as your item was a label, but if you need to replace some other elements too, then the selector passed to querySelectorAll needs to be adjusted accordingly)
    • we loop the labels and for each of them
      • we get the key, which is the trimmed inner text, so your prepending and appending spaces will not make the label unrecognizable
      • if the key is inside the map
        • then we replace the inner text of the label with the value you intended to have instead
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