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How can I replace my binding data’s < br > with line break?
like: passing data:
Hello< br >welcome to this group< br >type your text

and viewing data will be :
welcome to this group
type your text

to replace < br > with line break, I have used [innerHTML] like, <p [innerHTML]="a.Details">

; but here problem is, all letter are come as Capital formate.
Is there any alter form?



  1. You can use different div.


    <div> Hello </div>
    <div> welcome to this group </div>
    <div> type your text </div>
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  2. You can use this way to update your code :

    <p [innerHTML]="replaceBreaksWithLineBreaks(a.Details.toLowerCase())"></p>

    and your JS function

     replaceBreaksWithLineBreaks(text: string): string {
      return text.replace(/<br>/g, 'n');
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  3. You could split the text from <br> and will have an array of each line.
    on the HTML side you can loop through the lines and use <p *ngFor=let line of text>{{line}}</P> to display them.

    .ts file

      text: string = 'Hello< br >welcome to this group< br >type your text';
      lines: string[] = this.text.split('< br >');

    .html file

    <p *ngFor="let line of lines">{{line}}</p>
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