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I am new to flask and HTML.

I am creating a user management tool with buttons to do actions (methods) in flask.

I want to add a button where the user can delete a user. The logic to delete a user uses a user_id, which I want to put in my action URL so it can be deleted. I am used to adding variables with


but that doesn’t seem to work here.

Here is my HTML code. users is an array passed in through flask, containing each item listed in the table per user.

    <h1>User Management</h1>
            <th>First Name</th>
            <th>Last Name</th>
            <th>User ID</th>
         {% for u in users %}
            {% for el in u[0:] %}
            {% endfor %}
                <form action="/delete_user/`${u[2]}`" method="post">
                    <button type="submit">Delete User</button>


Python code:

def deleteuser(user_id):
  #logic here to delete user with user_Id

How can I insert the variable value of u[2] into the action URL?



  1. To access a variable using the Jinja templating engine, you can use this syntax: {{ expression }}.

    So in your case, this is how you would insert u[2] into a form action.

    <form action="/delete_user/{{ u[2] }}" method="post">
        <button type="submit">Delete User</button>

    The syntax you were using before: ${u[2]}, is JavaScript syntax.

    To read more on Jinja templating syntax, check out this section in the docs.

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  2. With jinja (Flask templating mechanism) you can use {{ }} to substitute a template variable. It will resolved before jscript parsing, for example:

    {% for u in users %}
      <form action="/delete_user/{{u[2]}}`" method="post">
      <button type="submit">Delete User</button>

    Jinja variables:

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