I have given an input element type checkbox, its fine but when its checked tick seems very big.
I need to make smaller that tick symbol
here is html content from browser:
<div class="defaultRoot">
<div class="defaultBody ">
<div class="checkboxWrapper">
<input id="kis-9l7v7o3vr" type="checkbox" class="kischeckbox" style="width: 24px; height: 24px; accent-color: rgb(47, 55, 93); border: 4px solid gray; border-radius: 0px; display: block; transition: border-color 0ms ease 0s, background-color 0ms ease 0s; cursor: default;">
<div class="labelWrapper">
<label class="label" data-disabled="false" for="kis-9l7v7o3vr">I agree to sell my privacy</label>
How can I make that tick smaller and thinner
Currently the browser does not (and will not) support virtual elements to the tick of the checkbox you have to customize them yourself. refer here: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_custom_checkbox
you can adjust the size of the tick inside the checkbox as follow