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Could you please help me to build a html document by nested classes?

My main aim is to build a string with html markup like this


I have a class DOMElement with the following fileds:

class DOMElement {
    TagName :string;
    TextContent: string | null;
    Attributes: string[];
    AttributesValue: string[];
    Children: DOMElement[]; // stored nested tags;

So I already have a DOM structure of my document with this class, and I want to return this into markup.

For this I used an incorrect method:

public convertToHtml (domTree: DOMElement, str: string = ''): string {
    if (domTree.Children.length != 0) {
        domTree.Children.forEach((x) => {
            let attributes = '';
            x.Attributes.forEach((attr, index) => {
                attributes += attr + '=' + `${x.AttributesValue[index]}"`;
            if (x.Children.length != 0) {
                x.TextContent = '';

            str += `<${x.TagName.toLowerCase()} ${attributes}>${this.convertToHtml(

    return str;

How to fix this recursion to make it return a markup structure? Or are there other options to create markup with a nested object?



  1. I think there were several typos/small mistakes in the code that added up. Here is a working example with no real changes other than typo fixes:

    interface DOMElement {
        TagName: string;
        TextContent: string | null;
        Attributes: string[];
        AttributesValue: string[];
        Children: DOMElement[]; // stored nested tags;
    const convertToHtml = (domTree: DOMElement, str = ''): string => {
        let result = str;
        if (domTree.Children.length !== 0) {
            domTree.Children.forEach((child) => {
                let attributes = child.Attributes.length > 0 ? '"' : '';
                child.Attributes.forEach((attr, index) => {
                    attributes += `${attr}=${child.AttributesValue[index]}"`;
                if (child.Children.length !== 0) {
                    child.TextContent = '';
                result += `<${child.TagName.toLowerCase()} ${attributes}>${convertToHtml(
        return result;
    const sampleInput = {
        TagName: '',
        TextContent: '',
        Attributes: [],
        AttributesValue: [],
        Children: [
                TagName: 'html',
                TextContent: '',
                Attributes: [],
                AttributesValue: [],
                Children: [
                        TagName: 'div',
                        TextContent: '',
                        Attributes: ['ok'],
                        AttributesValue: ['test'],
                        Children: [
                                TagName: 'p',
                                TextContent: '123',
                                Attributes: [],
                                AttributesValue: [],
                                Children: [],
    // <html ><div "ok=test"><p >123</p></div></html>

    Playground link

    Extra Notes/Suggestions/Tips

    class vs. interface

    DOMElement was a class, but it could also have been an interface or a type. In this case, it looks like you’re not using it as a class really, so a TS type is probably better.

    Default argument value type inference

    You used str: string = '' as an argument, but TS can infer that it’s a string already when you specify '' as the default.

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  2. This is how I handle this. I have a function I call ‘createHTMLElement’.

    const createHTMLElement = (data) => {
        let element = document.createElement(data.type)
        if(data.UUID) element.setAttribute('data-UUID', data.UUID)
        if( =
        if(data.class) element.className = data.class
        if( element.addEventListener('click',
        if(data.blur) element.addEventListener('blur', data.blur)
        if(data.focus) element.addEventListener('focus', data.focus)
        if(data.innerHTML) element.innerHTML = data.innerHTML
        if(data.innerText) element.innerText = data.innerText
        if(data.attribute) element.setAttribute(data.attribute.key, data.attribute.value)
            for(attribute of data.attributes){
                element.setAttribute(attribute.key, attribute.value)
        if(data.child) element.appendChild(data.child)
            for(child of data.children){
        if(data.title) element.title = data.title
        if(data.value) element.value = data.value
        if(data.placeholder) element.placeholder = data.placeholder
        return element

    I create JSON objects that look like this:

    let obj = {
        "UUID": this._UUID, 
        "type": "div",
        "class": "divClass",
        "id": "divID",
        "click": functionYouWantToRun,  
        "child": childHTMLElement,
        "key": attributeName,
        "value": attributeValue

    And I call it like this:

    let ele = createHTMLElement(obj)

    The ele that is returned will be a dom object. Instead of passing a single child, it can take an array (passed as ‘children’) to add multiple at one time. Maybe this, or some tweaked version, can help you get what you’re looking for.

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