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I have had two problems so far, setting delays for each of the images and the adresses of the images can sometimes be a different adress than what i wanted.
I am making this on a django template, so I have this as my array:

var data = ["{% static 'kp1.png' %}", "{% static 'kp2.png' %}", "{% static 'kp3.png' %}", "{% static 'kp4.png' %}", "{% static 'kp5.png' %}", "{% static 'kp6.png' %}", "{% static 'kp7.png' %}", "{% static 'kp8.png' %}", "{% static 'kp9.png' %}", "{% static 'kp10.png' %}", "{% static 'kp11.png' %}", "{% static 'kp12.png' %}", "{% static 'kp13.png' %}", "{% static 'kp14.png' %}", "{% static 'kp15.png' %}", "{% static 'kp16.png' %}", "{% static 'kp17.png' %}", "{% static 'kp18.png' %}", "{% static 'kp19.png' %}", "{% static 'kp20.png' %}", "{% static 'kp21.png' %}", "{% static 'kp22.png' %}", "{% static 'kp23.png' %}", "{% static 'kp24.png' %}"]

Here is my html image and button

<img src="" id="kp_img">
<button id="kp_button" onclick="kp_animation()">click me</button>
And if this is what my javascript looks like

function kp_animation(){
  for(x in data){
    setTimout(() => {
     document.getElementById("kp_img").src = "kp" + x + ".png";

The adress i am trying to acsess is http://website/static/kpX.png

But if i am in this domain http://website/domain1/domain2 then it gives me this: http://website/domain1/domain2/static/kpX.png

What is also happening is i am getting the first delay than it jumps to kp24.png and doesn’t do any of the other delays

I would really apreciate it if someone could help



  1. you need to add the delays else all setTimeout be executed almost at the same time and also without making x a local variable for each setTimeout, x will refer to the last value always so a self invoking function would help.

    var counter = 0;
    for (x in data) {
      ((x) => {
        setTimout(() => {
          document.getElementById("kp_img").src = "kp" + x + ".png";
        }, 1000 * counter++)

    Additionally, make sure the image urls allow CORS to be loaded in a different site.

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  2. Not sure how to help you with getting the paths to your images (someone with a fresh memory on Django might help here), but related to your button and the interval – …use setInterval instead of setTimeout.

    Also, to loop your images back to the beginning, don’t forget about the modulo operator % – it’ll help you to reset the iterating images index back to 0

    Also, don’t use HTML inline on* Event handlers. Use addEventListener() instead.

    const elKpButton = document.querySelector("#kp_button");
    const elKpImg = document.querySelector("#kp_img");
    const staticPath = "/static/"; // Or whatever the path to static assets
    const data = ["img1.png", "img2.png", "img3.png"]; // populate however you need to
    const imagesTotal = data.length;
    let imageIndex = 0; // Start from image index 0
    let imagesInterval = null;
    elKpButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
      if (imagesInterval) {
        clearInterval(imagesInterval); // Clear interval
        imagesInterval = null;         // Reset interval ID
      } else {
       imagesInterval = setInterval(() => {
         elKpImg.src = staticPath + data[imageIndex]; // set new image source
         imageIndex += 1;           // increment
         imageIndex %= imagesTotal; // loop-back to 0
       }, 1000);
    img::after { content: attr(src); }
    <button id="kp_button">click me</button>
    <img src="" id="kp_img">
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  3. Use async/await for Promise to achieve :

    async function kp_animation(){
      for(let x in data){
        await new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
         document.getElementById("kp_img").src = "kp" + x + ".png";
         //to fullfill promise
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