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I have a menu with hover dropdown menus. On mobile I want to disable the href attribute so that clicking the link doesn’t redirect, but opens the dropdown. I am currently using removeAttribute() to do that. But the problem is that if the user uses the site in a smaller window which triggers the mobile version and then makes the window bigger I need to add back the href. I could use setAttribute() but then I have to keep track of the links to add them back and I don’t feel like that’s the best solution. Is there a way to just disable the href attribute with js?



  1. Try to prevent default action only on smaller screens.

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var menuLink = document.getElementById('dropdownMenuLink'); // The menu link ID
        menuLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
            // Check if the viewport width is less than or equal to 768px (Adjust to your use case)
            if (window.innerWidth <= 768) {
                // Prevent default link action
                // Display an alert
                alert('Dropdown opening...'); // Placeholder action
                // Here you would toggle your dropdown or execute any other mobile-specific action
            // On larger screens, the default action (navigation) proceeds
    <a href="#" class="menu-link" id="dropdownMenuLink">Menu Link</a>
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  2. You can monitor for a screen resize with this event…

     // And set conditions based on its height and/or width like this...
     if(this.offsetWidth < 800){                // Or use offsetHeight.
       a.href='javascript:SomeFunction();';     // If small make the href call a JS function.
     } else {
       a.href='';         // If big make it redirect to some url.

    NB: a.href is just a pseudo-code example… in real life you’ll have to specify which anchor by ID or some other way.

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