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I am new to Angular.

I have a following button control in html file and i am trying to enable it in the ts (type script) file on map click event.

       <div *ngIf="editVisible" class="p-col-1">
      <button label="Update" icon="far fa-save" class="p-button-raised p-button-primary" pButton
        [disabled]="!has(Permission.Admin_Pod_Location_Full_Control) || cleanData"

I have tried this in the Type Script file button it doesn’t enable the button.

   MapClick(event) {
        const button = document.getElementsByClassName('p-button-raised p-button-primary');
        button.setAttribute('disabled', '');



  1. getElementsByClassName method returns an array-like collection of elements, not a single element.

    you need to access the specific button you want to disable using an index.

    Try this:

    MapClick(event) {
        const buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('p-button-raised p-button-primary');
        // Assuming you want to disable the first button in the collection
        if (buttons.length > 0) {
            buttons[0].setAttribute('disabled', '');

    (Assuming that you want to disable the first button in the collection.)

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  2. To enable the button in your TypeScript file, you should use Angular’s data binding and property binding approach rather than directly manipulating the DOM using document.getElementsByClassName. Here’s how you can achieve this:

    1. In your component’s TypeScript file (e.g., component.ts), create a boolean property to track the state of the button:
    // Import the necessary dependencies and define your component
    export class YourComponent {
      editVisible = true; // Assuming you initially want the button to be enabled
      // Add other properties and methods as needed
      MapClick(event) {
        // Your logic here to handle the map click event and decide whether to enable or disable the button
        this.editVisible = true; // Set this to true or false based on your conditions
      updateLocation() {
        // Implement your update logic here
      // Add other methods and logic as needed
    1. In your component’s HTML file (e.g., component.html), bind the disabled property of the button to the editVisible property defined in the TypeScript file:
    <div *ngIf="editVisible" class="p-col-1">
      <button label="Update" icon="far fa-save" class="p-button-raised p-button-primary" pButton
        [disabled]="!has(Permission.Admin_Pod_Location_Full_Control) || cleanData"

    With this approach, when the editVisible property is set to true, the button will be enabled, and when it’s set to false, the button will be disabled automatically based on the data binding. You can then modify the MapClick method to toggle the value of editVisible based on your specific conditions and requirements. Avoid direct DOM manipulation whenever possible in Angular, as it is against the framework’s principles and can lead to unexpected behavior.

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