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I have defined a searchable select list, as defined below. What I would like is to get the data-value field once a selection is made, while the user will still see the option value string. This field will contain the internal id of the entry.

If I define this id, as a value attribute, the dropdown list will show both the id and the string , and after selection only the id will be visible in the input field.

I’ve found some posts taking about using data-* attributes to work around this problem, but for some reasons, I’m not able to get this value from the input field, after the selection was completed.

Any idea how I can achieve this?


PS: I’m only interested in pure JavaScript solutions.

function onchangeTest(){
    <div id="share">
        <input type="text" id="input" list="datalist" onchange="onchangeTest()">

        <datalist id="datalist">
           <option data-value="1">Foo</option>
           <option data-value="2">Bar</option>
           <option data-value="3">Baz</option>
           <option data-value="4">Foo Bar</option>
           <option data-value="5">Bar Baz</option>




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    For whoever will be interested in the future, I've ended up dropping the input datalist approach and picked this search dropdown list implementation instead:

  2. You can check all the options to find the option with a matching value (if any), then read from its dataset.

    document.getElementById('input').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
      const option = [...this.list.options]
                      .find(x => x.value === this.value);
      // may be undefined, as user can manually type text
    <div id="share">
      <input type="text" id="input" list="datalist" />
      <datalist id="datalist">
         <option data-id="1">Foo</option>
         <option data-id="2">Bar</option>
         <option data-id="3">Baz</option>
         <option data-id="4">Foo Bar</option>
         <option data-id="5">Bar Baz</option>
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  3. In the event handler function, you can loop through the options in the datalist, compare the input value with the option’s text content, and retrieve the data-value attribute when there’s a match:

    function onchangeTest() {
      let input = document.getElementById("input");
      let datalist = document.getElementById("datalist");
      let options = datalist.querySelectorAll("option");
      for (let option of options) {
        if (option.textContent === input.value) {
          let dataValue = option.getAttribute("data-value");
    <div id="share">
      <input type="text" id="input" list="datalist" onchange="onchangeTest()">
      <datalist id="datalist">
        <option data-value="1">Foo</option>
        <option data-value="2">Bar</option>
        <option data-value="3">Baz</option>
        <option data-value="4">Foo Bar</option>
        <option data-value="5">Bar Baz</option>

    I see two problems with this approach

    • The options.textContent should be unique to always work expected
    • Since you are checking onchange this might slow down your frontend performance with a large list. If this problem occurs I recommend you to use the debounce technique to prevent excessive function calls while typing.
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