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I am working on a project where I am trying to make a list of different items on a website by scraping the code using Python(BeautifulSoup to be specific). Long story short I am able to print the items I am looking for but when I print I get all the tags included instead of just the text. Which led me to try to use the get_text and text functions but I get an error message stating the following: "ResultSet object has no attribute ‘text’. You’re probably treating a list of elements like a single element."

This is what I tried to use to only get text but I get the Attribute error as previously mentioned:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = "https:mywebsite"

response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

rows = soup.find('div', {'class': "wrench"})

for row in rows:

        color = row.find_all_next('div', {'class': "wrenchColor"}).get_text


For reference, the following is part of the html code:

<div class = "wrench"
   <div class = "wrenchColor"

In which if I didn’t use the get.text function, I would get no error and the output would be: " <div class = "wrenchColor">Color Blue</div,<div class = "wrenchColor">Color Red</div> "

In this case, I would like to just get "Color Blue" and "Color Red". Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  1. For each row returned from requests.find_all() you just need to access its text attribute.

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
    import requests
        import lxml
        PARSER = 'lxml'
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        PARSER = 'html.parser'
    URL = 'your URL goes here'
    with requests.get(URL) as response:
        soup = BS(response.text, PARSER)
        for row in soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'wrenchColor'}):
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  2. If you are sure that all the tags inside the wrench class are what you need and their colors, you can use the following method:

    rows = soup.find('div', {'class': "wrench"})
    for color in rows.stripped_strings:

    Which gives the following result:

    Color Blue
    Color Red
    Color Green
    Color White
    Color Black

    If not and you want to have a shorter code, you can use the following method:

    rows = map(lambda x: x.string,'div.wrench > div.wrenchColor'))

    Which gives the following result:

    ['Color Blue', 'Color Red', 'Color Green', 'Color White', 'Color Black']

    The problem you’re facing is because the find_all_next() method returns a set of elements, and to access the content inside each tag, you need a separate for loop on the results of this method, and call get_text() on those elements.

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