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How to get the root path of the Vue project from the browser when running npm run serve

eg: the path E:myApp

Thanks in advance

I’v tried these:

  1. process.cwd() but got /.
  2. require.resolve but got webpack error MODULE_NOT_FOUND
  3. __dirname and path.resolve(__dirname) return /

The Vue verison is ^3.2.37 and I use Vue CLI.



  1. It’s more a node problem, you can use:

    import path from "path";
    const absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname);
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  2. You could always define a computed environment variable in your vue.config.js file

    // vue.config.js
    process.env.VUE_APP_ROOT_PATH = __dirname;
    module.exports = {};

    Then in your app you can reference the environment variable

    export default {
      data: () => ({ rootPath: process.env.VUE_APP_ROOT_PATH })

    Note that this value will be fixed and never change once you build your app.

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