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How do I make an ordered list work like this, where the numbers are left-aligned (so it doesn’t mess with my layout)?

1. hello
2. x
9. x
10. I am left aligned.
99. x
100. I am left aligned.

Rather than this (right aligned, the default):

    1. hello
    2. x
    9. x
   10. I am right aligned.
   99. x
  100. I am right aligned.



  1. CSS counters might be a good choice, with support goes all the way back to IE 8:

    /* Just to generate all the elements we need */
    const ol = document.querySelector('ol');
    for (let i = 1; i < 10001; i++) {
      const li = document.createElement('li');
      if (Math.log10(i) % 1) {
        li.textContent = 'x';
      } else {
        li.textContent = 'Left-aligned.'
    ol {
      counter-reset: list;
      list-style: none;
    li {
      counter-increment: list;
    li::before {
      content: counter(list) '. ';
    /* Demo only */
    ol {
      overflow: auto;
      max-height: 300px;
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  2. I see a lot of complicated answers where the solution is pretty easy:

    ol {
     list-style-position: inside; /* this is what you need*/
     padding: 0;
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