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My website uses this in the frame.html head so it appears globally:

<!--START: infopages-->
<script src=""></script>


<!--END: infopages-->

Other individual pages/places will have a reference like this (different pages make use of different ids):

<div id="19"></div>

So the content from those numbered HTML pages load where the div appears.

BUT …I was told I should no longer use jQuery and instead I should use querySelector and modules. The problem is I am not at all familiar with that. Can someone please help me with how I should code the above using querySelector & modules? Or is there a better way?

I tried to educate myself on how this should work but not finding good examples on the web. Seems like this should be fairly straight forward?



  1. I’m not aware of any vanilla JS function that loads a URL into an element like that, but you can easily implement it yourself with fetch and getElementById.

    <div id="19"></div>
    async function loadInto(id, url) {
        let response = await fetch(url);
        if (!response.ok) throw new Error("request failed with status " + response.status);
        let body = await response.text();
        document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = body;
    // Usage:
    loadInto("19", "a.html")

    Note that this assumes the .html files are fragments/elements, not full HTML files.

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  2. You can replace jQuery load with this function in a file named e.g. htmlLoader.js:

    export async function loadHTML(selector, file) {
      try {
        const response = await fetch(`../assets/${file}`);
        if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Failed to read file ' + file);
        const content = await response.text();
        document.querySelector(selector).innerHTML = content;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error loading the HTML file:', error);

    And then use it like this:

    <div id="p15"></div>
    <div id="p16"></div>
    <div id="p17"></div>
    <div id="p18"></div>
    <div id="p19"></div>
    <div id="p20"></div>
    <script type="module">
      import { loadHTML } from './htmlLoader.js';
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
        loadHTML('#p15', '15.html');
        loadHTML('#p16', '16.html');
        loadHTML('#p17', '17.html');
        loadHTML('#p18', '18.html');
        loadHTML('#p19', '19.html');
        loadHTML('#p20', '20.html');

    I tried it and it works.


    1. The JS part that wants to do import has to use type="module".
    2. I had to change the IDs because querySelector does not accept '#15'.
      An alternative might be to use getElementById() instead (without the #).
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