I am currently having difficulties with a form: In the form I am creating I want first name and last name to appear in a row, then under that in the 2nd column email and phone number in the same row, then below that one password and confirm password. I have tried multiple fixes but can’t seem to get the input format like in this image: https://cdn.statically.io/gh/TheOdinProject/curriculum/5f37d43908ef92499e95a9b90fc3cc291a95014c/html_css/project-sign-up-form/sign-up-form.png
Please view my
* {
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h2 {
font-size: 1.5rem;
h3 {
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.formScreen {
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.accountBtn {
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<title>Login Form</title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<div class="main">
<div class="leftScreen">
<div class="logoBox">
<div class="logo"></div>
<div class="formScreen">
<div class="upper">
<div class="upperText">
This is not a real online service! You know you need something like
this in your life to help you realize your deepest dreams.
<br />Sign up <em>now</em> to get started.<br />
<br />
<div class="lowerText">You <em>know</em> you want to.</div>
<div class="form">
<h2>Let's do this!</h2>
<form action="#" method="get">
<div class="input">
<label for="firstName"> First Name </label>
<input type="firstName" id="firstName" name="firstName" />
<div class="input">
<label for="lastName">Last Name</label>
<input type="lastName" id="lastName" name="lastName">
<div class="input">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email">
<div class="input">
<label for="lastName">Phone Number</label>
<input type="phoneNumber" id="phoneNumber" name="phoneNumber">
<div class="input">
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password">
<div class="input">
<label for="confirmPassword">Confirm Password</label>
<input type="confirmPassword" id="confirmPassword" name="confirmPassword">
<div class="finish">
<button class="accountBtn">Create Account</button>
Already have an account?<a class="login" href="/login"> Log In</a>
code and help me with this case
I’d divide them in 3 different rows as divs, then wrap each label and its input field in a div. Then, you can choose how to position them, one possible way would be to make the div.row a flex container with a fixed width (I put max-width: 50% but you can change or use margins instead) and justify-content: space between so the two columns go to the extreme left and right of the container.
To make inputs appear row by row then follow this structure
Wrap each label and it’s input in a div. Place two such div wrappers inside another div with class row.
learn more about flexbox and it’s usage here: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
Add the below css for row class