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I have been working on a web project with a large amount of images and videos on web site.After hosting it into a server it can be slow down the page to load because of large amount of images.

How can i prevent it?.Is there any way to load image or video after loading my web page with HTML or Javascript ?



  1. There are tons of ways dealing with images and optimize them, the approach below is just one of them:

    You can use lazy loading for your images, so images would load only when needed and close to the user’s viewport.

    That way, it won’t affect the load & blocking times of your site.
    You can do it this way:

    <img loading="lazy" src="image.jpg" alt="..." />

    Read more about the lazy loading approach at the MDN Docs

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  2. Lazy Loading

    • For Images: Use the loading="lazy" attribute in your tags.


    <img src="image.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="description">
    • For videos: You might need to use JavaScript for lazy loading videos.

    Compress Images and maybe use moderns formats WebP;

    Maybe try to use different image sizes for different screen sizes using the element or srcset attribute.

    <img srcset="small-image.jpg 500w, medium-image.jpg 1000w, large-image.jpg 1500w" src="medium-image.jpg" alt="description">

    Host your images and videos on a CDNs.

    For Javascript: Use asynchronous Loading

    If you have JavaScript files that are not essential for the initial page load, load them asynchronously.

    <script src="yourscript.js" async></script>

    For essential assets, you can use to instruct the browser to load them early in the page load process.

    <link rel="preload" href="important-asset.jpg" as="image">

    And maybe you can try to reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining files, using CSS sprites, and reducing the use of external scripts and fonts.

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