I have an Astro component where I want to write text with tags. The problem is that the tags like "characteristic1" are not converted into HTML code, they stay as a string.
This component has a field for the characteristics of a product and it may have different size depending on the product:
title="title here"
subtitle="subtitle here"
This is represented by the following code in other file:
const { title, subtitle, characteristics } = Astro.props;
<p class="title">{title}</p>
<p class="subtitle">{subtitle}</p>
{characteristics?.map((item) => (
<p class="text">{item}</p>
It’s supposed that when you write HTML code in a string in JS it’s treated as HTML code but I don’t know why it’s treated as a string.
How can I convert the tags into HTML code? Thanks in advance.
As Keyboard Corporation says (I think that I can't mark his comment as the answer) it is solved by using
<p class="text" set:html={item}></p>
. Thanks for your answer!It seems that you are trying to set the text of something into a HTML element (as what I see lol)
Check this out, it uses the .innerHTML property that edits the HTML property of an element.
Mozilla InnerHTML