I have a JSON file of recipes, and I am creating a React app using a specific flipbook library. The intricacies of that library aren’t really relevant, but I am creating its Page components dynamically from the JSON file.
Essentially, I want my JSON file to be able to hold html and CSS data such as <h3 className="class" Header!> and actually have that rendered in the dynamically generated Page components. Is this possible?
React page:
export default function RecipeBook() {
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const book = useRef();
const [pages, setPages] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const recipeElems = Object.entries(recipes).map((element, i) => (
// checks if page should be cover and/or if the page has a link to reference
element[1].cover ?
<PageCover key={i} side={i%2==0 ? "L" : "R"}> {element[1].header} </PageCover>
element[1].link !== "" ?
<Page key={i} src={element[1].src} side={i%2==0 ? "L" : "R"} header={element[1].header}>
{element[1].content} Inspired by this <a href={element[1].link}>recipe.</a>
<Page key={i} src={element[1].src} side={i%2==0 ? "L" : "R"} header={element[1].header}>
}, [])
return (
<div className="bookContainer">
width={350} height={450}
maxWidth={350} maxHeight={450}
The JSON looks like this:
"header": "Desserts",
"src": "",
"cover": true
"header": "Fl-Earl Gray Cake",
"content": "Earl gray and marzipan-chunks sponge cake (1:1:1 b:s:f ratio, 3 eggs) soaked with çiçek suyu and rose syrup. n Rose cream cheese frosting. n Rose marmalade to decorate.",
"link": "https://theclovecoterie.substack.com/p/nosferatu-cake",
"src": "/kitchen/cake.jpg",
"cover": false
You can just put the title in the "header" property like you did and then in your Page component, do something like this :
Also, no need to map through object entries. If your JSON recipes file is an array of objects like you provided here, you can map through each "element" without doing
. Since each element is an object and not an array, you’ll get an error trying to index the object like that.You can do somthing like this: