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The picture for demonstration for username not getting preselected after submission
Note: There is a dropdown which is not visible in the video due to unknown reason.

I have a Razor Page in ASP.NET Core where I have a dropdown list () populated with usernames. Upon selecting a username, the form is automatically submitted using JavaScript (onchange="this.form.submit()"). However, after the form submission, the selected username is cleared from the dropdown, which is not the intended behavior.

Razor Page (.cshtml):

 <div class="rollname">
     <label class="required">User Name :</label>
     <select id="selectedUser" name="selectedUser" class="form-control-1"
             asp-items='@(new SelectList(Model.Users, "Key", "Value",ViewData["SelectedUserId"]))'
         <option value="">--Select--</option>


Razor page (cshtml.cs)

public class PageNameModel : PageModel
    public Dictionary<long, string> Users { get; set; } // Replace with actual data type
    public void OnGet()
        // Load users data and set default selected user ID
        ViewData["SelectedUserId"] = "123"; // Replace with your logic to get default selected user ID

    public IActionResult OnPost(long selectedUser)
        // Process form submission
        HttpContext.Session.SetString("selectedUserId", selectedUser.ToString());
        ViewData["SelectedUserId"] = selectedUser.ToString();
        return RedirectToPage();

Above is the picture for demonstration for username not getting preselected after submission
Note: There is a dropdown which is not visible in the video due to unknown reason.

How do I make sure that after selecting username dropdown value , it should not get cleared after Redirecting to same page . Is there a better approach towards this ?



  1. Instead of using ViewData (yuk!), bind values to public properties on your PageModel:

    public class PageNameModel : PageModel
        public Dictionary<int, string> Users { get; set; } 
        public int SelectedUserId { get; set; } = 123;
        public void OnGet()
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            // Process form submission
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("selectedUserId", SelectedUserId.ToString());
            return RedirectToPage();

    Then assign the SelectedUserId property to the asp-for attribute on the select tag helper:

     <div class="rollname">
         <label class="required">User Name :</label>
         <select asp-for="SelectedUserId" class="form-control-1"
                 asp-items='@(new SelectList(Model.Users, "Key", "Value"))'
             <option value="">--Select--</option>

    See more about model binding here:

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  2. You could use the TempData to save the selected value. here is the sample code you could try:


    @model IndexModel
        ViewData["Title"] = "Home page";
    <div class="rollname">
        <label class="required">User Name :</label>
        <form method="post">
            <select id="selectedUser" name="selectedUser" class="form-control-1"
                    asp-items='@(new SelectList(Model.Users, "Key", "Value", ViewData["SelectedUserId"]))'
                <option value="">--Select--</option>


    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
    namespace RazorPagesExample.Pages
        public class IndexModel : PageModel
            public Dictionary<long, string> Users { get; set; }
            public void OnGet()
                // Load users data
                Users = GetUserList();
                // Retrieve selected user ID from TempData if it exists
                if (TempData.ContainsKey("SelectedUserId"))
                    ViewData["SelectedUserId"] = TempData["SelectedUserId"];
            public IActionResult OnPost(long selectedUser)
                // Process form submission
                HttpContext.Session.SetString("selectedUserId", selectedUser.ToString());
                // Store the selected user ID in TempData
                TempData["SelectedUserId"] = selectedUser.ToString();
                return RedirectToPage();
            private Dictionary<long, string> GetUserList()
                // Replace with your logic to get users
                return new Dictionary<long, string>
                    { 1, "User1" },
                    { 2, "User2" },
                    { 3, "User3" }

    enter image description here

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