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i am trying to make carousel dynamic by fetching the pictures of carousel from database but i am unable to set css classes correctly because of which all the pictures are being shown at once

I tried to use index of the images like if it is the 0th index which means first image then we should make it active otherwise make it just carousel-item
this is the code snippet

<div class="carousel-inner" *ngFor="let doc of   banner_arr;let i=index;">
  <div class="{{i}}===0 ? 'carousel-item active' : 'carousel-item' ">
    <img src="{{doc.image_url}}"  alt="{{i}}==0?First slide:{{i}}==1?Second slide:Third slide">



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    enter image description here

    just do it like this as answered by Eliseo and declare these two functions in ts file

    prevSlide() {
      this.activeIndex = (this.activeIndex === 0) ? this.banner_arr.length - 1 : this.activeIndex - 1;
    nextSlide() {
      this.activeIndex = (this.activeIndex === this.banner_arr.length - 1) ? 0 : this.activeIndex + 1;

  2. Sure the "*ngFor" are in the div with class carousel-item

    you can use [ngClass] or [].

    Better use "binding" (the [``]) instead of interpolation

    <div class="carousel-item" []="i===0">
        <img [src]="doc.image_url" 
              [attr.alt]="i==0?First slide:i==1?'Second slide':'Third slide'">

    NOTE: I made sometime ago a bootstrap 5 carousel in Angular in this stackblitz, check the angular.json and package.json, be careful because is related to Angular 12, but should work in Angular 15 or 16.

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