I am practicing React JS lately, I am fetching cast data from TMDB for the project and using the profile_path data for image source. What my problem is now since some of the cast has null as their profile_path, I could not figure out how to display that. I know Java very well but I am new to JavaScript.
I tried a person.jpeg i found on the internet to display if it is null but either my condition is wrong or i could not use the image on my folder. So it keeps displaying a broken image icon on my screen for null paths.
import imageSrc from "../assets/person.jpeg";
<Flex mt={"5"} mb={"10"} overflow={"scroll"} gap={"5"}>
{cast?.length === 0 && <Text> No cast found</Text>}
{cast &&
cast?.map((item) => (
<Box key={item?.id} minW={"150px"}>
{cast?.profile_path === null && <Image src={imageSrc} />}
<Image src={`${imagePath}/${item?.profile_path}`} />
<Text fontSize={"smaller"} color={"gray.400"}>
To display a default image when profile_path is null, you need to adjust your code so that it checks each item’s profile_path and sets the image source accordingly. Additionally, ensure that the condition and logic to handle the null profile_path are correctly implemented.
This line checks if item?.profile_path is not null. If it has a value, it constructs the image URL using imagePath and profile_path. If profile_path is null, it uses imageSrc as the source.
If you want to have images on React, you can put them in your public/ folder, and then access them this way:
if you have "image.png" in your public/ folder, you may access it like this :
in other way you may import your image at the top of your code as usual: