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I’m a newbie to HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I’d like some help.

Let say I have 3 buttons and 3 paragraphs

.hidden {
display: none;


I want to create a js function that hides all paragraphs except the one with the same letter as the button, using a CSS rule that apply the class "hidden".

I tried many things but all I can do is to toggle the class hidden to all paragraphs. Can someone explain me how I can do that please?

Thank you!

Here’s the file I was using to test anything I could think of to find a solution

<!doctype html>
 .hidden {
 display: none;
<div class="button">
 <button class="a" onClick="toggle(this,id)">a</button>
 <button class="b" onClick="toggle(this,id)">b</button>
 <button class="c" onClick="toggle(this,id)">c</button>
<div class="main">
<div class="a text">
<div class="b text">
<div class="c text">
function toggle(clicked,id) {
var el = document.querySelectorAll(".text");
var length = el.length;
for (let i=0; i<length; i++){

To avoid switching from different files I wrote all the CSS and JS in the HTML file.



  1. I tried to put the respective comment before every JavaScript code, hope it helps you.

    // Function to hide all paragraphs and show the selected one
    function showParagraph(letter) {
      // Get all paragraphs
      const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');
      // Hide all paragraphs
      paragraphs.forEach(para => {
      // Show the paragraph that matches the button clicked
      const selectedParagraph = document.getElementById(`para${letter}`);
      if (selectedParagraph) {
    // Add event listeners to buttons
    document.getElementById('buttonA').addEventListener('click', () => showParagraph('A'));
    document.getElementById('buttonB').addEventListener('click', () => showParagraph('B'));
    document.getElementById('buttonC').addEventListener('click', () => showParagraph('C'));
    .hidden {
      display: none;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <title>Hide Paragraphs Example</title>
      <button id="buttonA">A</button>
      <button id="buttonB">B</button>
      <button id="buttonC">C</button>
      <p id="paraA">A</p>
      <p id="paraB">B</p>
      <p id="paraC">C</p>

    The part para${letter} simply checks for letter A, B, C and maps it to para i.e; paraA, etc. In JavaScript, Template literals are literals delimited with backtick (`) characters, allowing for multi-line strings, string interpolation with embedded expressions, and special constructs called tagged templates.

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  2. It could be done in a quite simple way using the details element, with the use of his open attribute.

    Further enhancement can be done by using CSS!

    document.body.querySelectorAll('summary').forEach((e) => e.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
       document.body.querySelectorAll('details').forEach((e) => (e.hasAttribute('open')) ? e.removeAttribute('open') : '')
        A content
        B content
        C content


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