I’m trying to create this design. A rectangle with one side is uneven.
It will be a parent div
and will contain other children in it.
#myelement {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background-color: #FFD580;
height: 200px;
Codepen link – https://codepen.io/My-pics-Nissan/pen/RwzxyrX
Use clip-path: Polygon();
Experiment with each side values, and set whatever one you like.
As tacoshy mentioned in his comment this could be achieved using clip path.
Using the
clip-path: polygon
option will enable you to play with your wanted shape, for example for this clip polygon :0 0, 100% 0, 100% 85%, 90% 90%, 80% 85%, 70% 90%, 60% 85%, 50% 90%, 40% 85%, 30% 90%, 20% 85%, 10% 90%, 0 85%
You can create this shape :
From this point you can play with your polygon points and create you wanted shape.
You can use clip-path for the irregular shapes, this will help to create all most kind or regular shapes,
But the design you mentioned you need to use background image with svg icons, then you will be able achive the exact design whatever you required, please follow the below code
SVG Path ():
The top, left, and right sides are straight lines, as indicated by L300,0 L300,180.
The bottom edge is created using quadratic Bézier curves (Q), which produce the smooth, wavy effect you see in the image.
The final Z command closes the path by connecting the last point back to the start.