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I’ve tried to fix this issue with chat GPT for a while now, but it says that everything okay, but it clearly ain’t. For now I;m trying to just run the e-mail field before doing the rest. Here are my files:

from django import forms

class SignupForm(forms.Form):
    email = forms.EmailField()
    password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput())
    firstname = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput())
    lastname = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput())
    isOwner = forms.BooleanField()

the form:

<form method="post" action="{% url 'signup' %}" class="registerForm">
        {% csrf_token %}
        {{ form.as_p }}
        <div class="header">Registration</div>

        <div class="loginText">E-mail:</div>
        <div class="loginInformation">
            {{ }}
            {{ }}


and my controller:

@api_view(('GET', 'POST',))
@renderer_classes((TemplateHTMLRenderer, JSONRenderer))
def signup(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = SignupForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            account = accountService.signup(
            if account:
                return Response({'account': account}, template_name="index.html")
        form = SignupForm()
    return render(request, "signup.html", {"form": form})

Resolution for anyone stupid like me:

I’ve been using 2 seperate functions, one to access the registration page:

def getSignupForm(request):
    return render(request, "signup.html")

and second one to create the form signup(request) from above.

I though Django will be able to run this funtion with this part of the form action="{% url 'signup' %}", but it doesn’t… I just had to change the onlick action on my button to run the signup function instead of getSignupForm. FML



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Resolution for anyone stupid like me:

    I've been using 2 seperate functions, one to access the registration page:

    def getSignupForm(request):
        return render(request, "signup.html")

    and second one to create the form signup(request) from above.

    I though Django will be able to run this funtion with this part of the form action="{% url 'signup' %}", but it doesn't... I just had to change the onlick action on my button to run the signup function instead of getSignupForm. FML

  2. You didn’t write context data for render

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