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I am trying to scrape information about orbits for asteroids in R. I have tried rvest and selectorgadget, however the website is dynamic. The website is:

I am wanting to get the data for the Osculating Orbital Elements under the Orbit Parameters drop down shown here:
enter image description here

I am not very familiar with html or json, so I am looking for help downloading this table into R.



  1. Use their API.

    As an example of how to use the API, inspecting the page we can see the parameters used and recreate them (although I have changed it to use the direct identifier rather than a search string because it is quicker):

    # Query parameters
    params <- list(
      spk              = "3359266",
      `alt-des`        = 1,
      `alt-orbits`     = 1,
      `ca-data`        = 1,
      `ca-time`        = "both",
      `ca-tunc`        = "both",
      `cd-epoch`       = 1,
      `cd-tp`          = 1,
      discovery        = 1,
      `full-prec`      = 1,
      `nv-fmt`         = "both",
      `orbit-defs`     = 1,
      `phys-par`       = 1,
      `r-notes`        = 1,
      `r-observer`     = 1,
      `radar-obs`      = 1,
      sat              = 1,
      `vi-data`        = 1,
      www              = 1
    # Make query string
    param_string <- paste0(names(params), "=", params, collapse = "&")

    Now retrieve the data:

    dat <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
      sprintf("", param_string)
    # Inspect 
           sigma  name                                                 title units                value  label
    1   .0010672     e                                          eccentricity  <NA>    .6067433473394845      e
    2   .0036921     a                                       semi-major axis    au    1.706954591882637      a
    3  .00037377     q                                   perihelion distance    au    .6712712490472621      q
    4   .0093907     i inclination; angle with respect to x-y ecliptic plane   deg    5.896394792692075      i
    5  .00085394    om                       longitude of the ascending node   deg    234.2975070934102   node
    6   .0079426     w                                argument of perihelion   deg    98.19292045631209   peri
    7    .086629    ma                                          mean anomaly   deg    22.10748390629943      M
    8    .033722    tp                            time of perihelion passage   TDB 2454008.477177134853     tp
    9       <NA> tp_cd                            time of perihelion passage   TDB 2006-Sep-29.97717713     tp
    10    2.6428   per                               sidereal orbital period     d    814.5755667075963 period
    11  .0014339     n                                           mean motion deg/d    .4419479477577152      n
    12  .0059322    ad                                     aphelion distance    au    2.742637934718012      Q
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  2. To complete, using rvest read_html_live :

    ### Packages
      CHROMOTE_CHROME = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
    ### Parse and extract the table with html_live and XPath
    s=html_elements(dd,xpath = "(//table)[1]") %>% html_table()
    ### TP and period rows are merged. To fix this, we create new lines.
      f=html_elements(dd,xpath = paste0('(//table)[1]//tr[contains(.,"',x,'")]/td[2]')) %>%
        html_text2() %>% 
      str_split(pattern = "n") %>%
      g=html_elements(dd,xpath = paste0('(//table)[1]//tr[contains(.,"',x,'")]/td[3]')) %>%
        html_text2() %>% 
        str_split(pattern = "n") %>%
    tibble(Element=x,Value=f,`Uncertainty (1-sigma)`=g, Units=y)
    ### Merge the new lines with the table and delete old rows
    output=s[[1]] %>% 
      add_row(pp,.before = 8) %>%

    Output :

    # A tibble: 13 × 4
       Element Value                `Uncertainty (1-sigma)` Units  
       <chr>   <chr>                <chr>                   <chr>  
     1 e       0.6067433473394845   .0010672                ""     
     2 a       1.706954591882637    .0036921                "au"   
     3 q       0.6712712490472621   .00037377               "au"   
     4 i       5.896394792692075    .0093907                "deg"  
     5 node    234.2975070934102    .00085394               "deg"  
     6 peri    98.19292045631209    .0079426                "deg"  
     7 M       22.10748390629943    .086629                 "deg"  
     8 tp      2454008.477177134853 .033722                 "TDB"  
     9 tp      2006-Sep-29.97717713 .033722                 "TDB"  
    10 period  814.5755667075963    2.6428                  "d"    
    11 period  2.230186356488970    7.2356e-3               "y"    
    12 n       0.4419479477577152   .0014339                "deg/d"
    13 Q       2.742637934718012    .0059322                "au"  
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