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I need to extract some values from the table in the following website:

I tried to use the solutions given in Extract table from webpage using VBA but neither worked for me.

I am rather new to VBA and I’m not familiar with java. Is there a way to extract only the values 6.869,14 and 0,35. Both are in the last column.

Here is one solution that I was able to find, however it does not seem to be the most efficient or elegant. But it works.

@W_O_L_F solution seems better, but I get an error on objHTTP.send.

Sub scrape_quotes()
   Dim browser As InternetExplorer
   Dim page As HTMLDocument
   Set browser = New InternetExplorer
   browser.Visible = False
   browser.navigate ("")
   Do While browser.Busy: Loop
   Set page = browser.document
    Dim spanElement As Object, buttonElement As Object
    Set spanElement = page.getElementsByClassName("linhadados")

    aux = spanElement.Length
    For i = 0 To spanElement.Length - 1
        If VBA.Left(spanElement.Item(i).innerText, 5) = "IPCA " Then aux_indice = CDbl(VBA.Right(spanElement.Item(i).innerText, 8))
        If VBA.Left(spanElement.Item(i).innerText, 5) = "IPCA1" Then aux_proj = CDbl(VBA.Right(spanElement.Item(i).innerText, 4))
    Next i
End Sub



  1. Maybe this can get you started:

    Sub ScrapeWebsite()
    'Declare variables
    Dim objHTTP As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
    Dim htmlDoc As New HTMLDocument
    Dim htmlElement As IHTMLElement
    Dim url As String
    Dim readNextCell As Boolean
    Dim IPCA As Boolean
    Dim rowSpan As Integer
    readNextCell = False
    IPCA = False
    rowSpan = 0
    'Set the URL to be scraped
    url = ""
    'Make a request to the URL
    objHTTP.Open "GET", url, False
    'Parse the HTML response
    htmlDoc.body.innerHTML = objHTTP.responseText
    'Loop through the HTML elements and extract data
    For Each aRow In htmlDoc.getElementsByClassName("linhadados") '.getElementsByTagName("tr")
    'Do something with the data, e.g. print it to the Immediate window
        For Each acell In aRow.getElementsByTagName("td")
        If readNextCell Then
            MsgBox acell.innerText
            readNextCell = False
        End If
        If IPCA And (acell.innerText = "Número Índice" Or acell.innerText = "Projeção (abr/24)") Then
            readNextCell = True
            IPCA = False
        End If
        If (acell.innerText = "IPCA (mar/24)6" Or acell.innerText = "IPCA1") Then
            IPCA = True
            rowSpan = acell.rowSpan
        End If
        Next acell
    Next aRow
    End Sub
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  2. This should do it:

    Sub GrabInfo()
        Const Url$ = ""
        Dim Html As HTMLDocument, WS As Worksheet
        Dim oHttp As Object, R&, C&, I&, N&
        Set Html = New HTMLDocument
        Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP")
        With oHttp
            .Open "GET", Url, True
            .setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36"
            While .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
            Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
            R = 1
            With Html.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.linhadados")
                For I = 1 To .Length - 1
                    With .Item(I).querySelectorAll("td")
                        For N = 0 To .Length - 1
                            C = C + 1: Cells(R, C) = .Item(N).innerText
                        Next N
                    End With
                    R = R + 1: C = 0
                Next I
            End With
        End With
    End Sub
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