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I am using clickfunnels for my website. However they don’t allow one to show in the url of presented PDFS. So I came to Github and bought as opposed to the dotcom I use on Clickfunnels. Okay.

I have everything working and can show the domain now in the url when someone opens the pdf, before downloading. I am only missing it have the favicon show up. I have been on this for two weeks now. Seriously, there doesn’t appear to be a single working conclusion, that I can find.

My OS in Windows 11 Pro, not that I feel it is relevant, but I keep being asked this, (one can edit directly inside github), so I don’t get the point of the question, nevertheless I am using Windows 11 Pro.

There is no error message, the favicon simply does not show up for PDFs, but does for home page which is really the 404 page and 404 page has the same code as home page. But the favicon works just fine with these.

Somehow, I presume that somewhere I should be stating via code, that pdfs should present the favicon because it isn’t a normal HTML page? However I wouldn’t have clue where to start, but I have concluded this somehow to be the case. Please provide exact code, and exactly where to input it. I will list my exact domain name and my user name on github.

Link to one of the PDFs:

Username on Github: thealainpaul

Has anyone else got this issue or is it just me? If just me, how do you do it?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I did it through iframe and created three separate .html files for each pdf. I got help from chatgpt, which even created the full code for me and directed me step by step as I requested.

    This was the code for one of the three PDFs:

  2. You’re telling the page what favicon to use via <link> tag:

      <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="">

    This doesn’t work the same when viewing a PDF in the browser, because PDF files do not have the same support for <link> tags.

    You need to have the file available in the domain’s root, in a file called favicon.ico.

    I.e. should provide the icon image and only the icon image.

    Bonus: Once you get the file in place, you can remove the <link> tag from your HTML.

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