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I wanted to make the line tighter in an ordered list.
So I just style it – and it is fine.
|This style has always worked well for me.
Until I add a nested list, and it is not working well.
For some reason when I add these two stylings the nested ordered list goes to the bottom of the list.
It is no longer nested, nested item is a bottom of list in Edge and Chrome

li {
  height: 0px;
  width: 0px;
    <li> item one </li> 
    <li> item two 
         <li> nested item one</li> 
    <li> item three </li>
    <li> item four </li> 
    <li> item five  </li> 

When I take this li styling class away from <style> the list is nested again.



  1. I think you want the CSS property line-height instead. As IMSoP says, you don’t want height or width here.


    li {
      line-height: 1;
      /* try also .8 */
        <li> item one </li> 
        <li> item two 
             <li> nested item one</li> 
        <li> item three </li>
        <li> itme four </li> 
        <li> item five  </li>
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  2. To achieve tighter spacing without collapsing the list items, you can use margins and padding instead of setting the height and width to zero. Hope this helps

    /* Remove default margin and padding */
    ol, ul {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
    /* Style list items for tighter spacing */
    li {
        margin-bottom: 4px;
    /* Additional styling for nested lists Adjust as needed */
    ol li ol {
        margin-top: 4px;
        margin-left: 20px;
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