I have 1748 versions in Google Apps Script including the current version. I am trying to get down to below 200 to get below the 200 maximum coming in June. When I go to Manage Deployments, I see a bunch of versions in Active (versions I don’t use anymore) and a bunch of versions in Archived (2 of which I use). I also use the current version.
What am I doing wrong and how to delete more? I’m also considering starting the project over by copying/pasting the current version, but it would be nice to also keep the other 2 versions that I use easily available.
I tried deleting some versions but only 4 of the 1700+ were able to be deleted. I was expecting to be able to delete more versions
According to a recent release note, now there is an option to multiple unused versions at once.
From link included in the mentioned release note:
Another option is to use the Apps Script API. There is a command line app to use this API, the name is CLASP.
As you want to delete active versiones, You should evaluate the implications having to incativate hundreds of versions compared to copy the versions that you want to keep to a new project, or start a new project from scratch.
You might have to learn new things like how to use the Google Apps Script API and CLASP.