So I’m wanting to be able to do something like this:
button.accordion:after {
font-family: FontAwesome;
content: "f150";
font-family: "fontawesome";
font-size: 18px;
float: right;
But I’m not sure how to find the unicode value.
There are some similar questions on here but they are super convoluted and I’m just
wondering if there is a practical way to find the unicode value of an icon without javascript
to add into my CSS.
So I figured it out. First of all you need to add in the HTML or Js Framework icon so that it is displayed in the DOM.
Next, you need to select the icon using developer tools. Once you have selected it look at the filter styles in the CSS section of the developer tools console.
Find Pseudo elements and look you'll the Uni-code for the icon that matches the name of the selected icon. Copy that Uni-code sequence and you'll be good to go.
Unicode example
when you go to the font-awesome website and click on the icon you see the search option you can find your icon and as shown in the screenshot you have to get the Unicode for any icon
if you want to add icon unicode in a CSS file first you have to download the icon on your PC and in all.min.css you will find the .ttf file you have to replace their file path with your path. and you can use icons on your website.