I have backend code written in python where it returns a number, I want to show the number in different color for certain threshold.
For example if the number is 15 and above it should show in red color
Here is the code:
def zulu_extracts(weather_input,datis=None):
# This could be work intensive. Make your own conversion if you can avoid using datetime
raw_utc = Root_class().date_time(raw_utc='HM')[-4:]
raw_utc_dt = datetime.strptime(raw_utc,"%H%M")
if datis:
zulu_item_re = re.findall('[0-9]{4}Z', weather_input)
zulu_item_re = re.findall('[0-9]{4}Z', weather_input)
if zulu_item_re:
zulu_weather = zulu_item_re[0][:-1]
zulu_weather_dt = datetime.strptime(zulu_weather,"%H%M")
diff = raw_utc_dt - zulu_weather_dt
diff = int(diff.seconds/60)
return diff
zulu_weather = 'N/A'
return zulu_weather
The front end is based on html,css and JS
I already searched on google and tried chat GPT but nothing seems to work
If you need to generate HTML with
then change the linesto
But it would be much better to do this kind of styling in the place where the rest of your HTML is generated.