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I have created a button that changes the background color to gradient and when I double click it, it returns back. When I click the button, it changes the color and text(hello) of itself to gradient and text(hi), but when I double click it, the button doesn’t return back, it just shows the gradient and text(hi). I tried the codes answered to the question ‘toggle button background color when clicked’ they are also not working. Can you help me to solve this problem?

I tried some javascript code, that I found in stack overflow. But it is not working.

function myFunction() { = "linear-gradient(orange, white, green)";

function myFunction2() { = "#22232e";
<button onclick="myFunction()" ondblclick="myFunction2()">



  1. You can achive this using css transition property.If you want it change it’s background color countinuously then you can try keyframes animation.And for click event you can use ‘:focus’ pseudo-class.For example——
    css property

       background-color: red;
       transition: background-color 2s linear;
    background-color: purple;

    Or you can use keyframes animation.It will change background color infinite loop after click on the button. For example—

                background-color: black;
                transition: background-color 2s linear ;
                color: wheat;
    @keyframes colors {
                    background-color: red;
                    background-color: purple;
                animation: colors 2s linear infinite alternate;
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  2. <button onclick="myFunction()" ondblclick="myFunction2()">
        <span class="hello"> hello </span>
        <span  class="hii" style="display:none;"> hii </span>

    //here`s the js

    function myFunction () { ="grey";
         document.querySelector('.hello').style.display ="none";
         document.querySelector('.hii').style.display ="inline-block";
      function myFunction2 () { ="initial";
         document.querySelector('.hello').style.display ="inline-block";
         document.querySelector('.hii').style.display ="none";
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