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HTML newb here, I recently recorded 3 camera angles of an hour long family event, synced the clips, trimmed them to the exact same length, they’re all 720p 25fps, and I stacked them vertically into a single 1280×2160 25fps MP4 that will be put on a web server I’ve setup. My intent is to switch between different camera angles using CSS object-position Y value. That works as expected when I set the Y value explicitly in the CSS,but I would like to add 3 buttons that can dynamically change the Y value via onClick.

object-position: 0px 0px;

The 2nd value needs to be -720px, or -1440px to show the 2nd and 3rd parts of the video, so how could I simply apply those values using OnClick with a button?

I tried to define a variable, place the variable in object-position, and change the value using onClick and .innerHTML

:root { --camposition: 0; }

<button type="button" onClick="document.getElementById('--camposition').innerHTML='-720px';">Guests</button>

Thanks in advance for any help, googling was a deeeeep dive, hence my reaching out to the wonderful stack overflow community 🙂



  1. Is something like this what you’re looking for ? Give your video element object-fit: none a fixed size height (and the width you can set to auto) that fits only one of the 3 videos at the time and then change the background position depending on what button was pressed.

    const img = document.querySelector('#img')
    document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
          const target =
        if(!target.classList.contains('angleBtn')) { return }
        const angle = target.dataset.angle = `object-position: 0 ${angle}`
    .wrap {
        position: absolute;
        top: 10px;
    img {
        height: 300px;
        width: 400px;
        object-fit: none;
    <img id='img' src="">
    <div class='wrap'>
        <button class='angleBtn' data-angle='10%'>Angle 1</button>
        <button class='angleBtn' data-angle='50%'>Angle 2</button>
        <button class='angleBtn' data-angle='80%'>Angle 3</button>
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  2. Details are commented in example.

    // Reference the element containing the <button>s
    const controls = document.querySelector(".controls");
    // Make an array of all <video>s
    const vidArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("video")];
     * This is the "click" event handler. When .controls
     * is clicked it determines which <button>
     * was clicked using .target property. Once that's
     * determined, the <video> that corresponds to the clicked
     * <button> will scroll into view using the scrollIntoView()
     * method.
    const goToVideo = (event) => {
      const clicked =;
      switch (clicked) {
        case "v1":
        case "v2":
        case "v3":
     * Register <menu class="controls"> to listen for
     * the "click" event and delegate to the <button>s.
    controls.addEventListener("click", goToVideo);
    :root {
      font: 2ch/1.5 "Segoe UI"
    main {
      margin: 1rem auto;
     * - This is the parent of the <video>.
     * - It's width should be the same as the
     *   <video> (1280px)¹.
     * - It's height should be divided by 3 
     *   (720px)¹
     * - overflow-y and scroll-behavior are
     *   critical
     * ¹measurements in relation to OP's layout
    .frame {
      width: 320px;
      height: 180px;
      margin: 0 auto;
      overflow-y: hidden;
      scroll-behavior: smooth;
    video {
      display: block;
    .controls {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      width: 320px;
      margin: 0 auto;
      padding: 0;
      list-style: none;
    button {
      display: block;
      width: 106px;
      font: inherit;
      cursor: pointer;
      <section class="frame">
          There are 3 <video>s to simulate OP's
          modified MP4 of 1280px x 2160px.
          In this layout the dimensions are
          320px x 540px ( ¼ ratio ).
        <video src="" width="320" height="180" muted loop autoplay></video>
        <video  src="" width="320" height="180" muted loop autoplay></video>
        <video src="" width="320" height="180" muted loop autoplay></video>
      <menu class="controls">
        <li><button id="v1">1</button></li>
        <li><button id="v2">2</button></li>
        <li><button id="v3">3</button></li>
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