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    <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div> 
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
    <div><input /></div>
    <div><input /></div>
    <div><input /></div>


I need to display all input fields one by one and only 4 input fields in one row using the below structure.



  1. I don’t know what you mean one by one, but from what I did understand you could use a display: flex in the "inputs line".

    So in your html you would have to add a class to the div that you want to become the line, like that:

        <div><input /></div>
        <div class="foo">
            <div><input /></div>
            <div><input /></div> 
            <div><input /></div>
            <div><input /></div>
            <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>

    And then in your css:

        display: flex;
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  2. you can use the flex display with a 25% width

    .input-container {
        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
    .input-container > div {
        flex: 1 0 25%; /* width of 25% */
        max-width: 25%; /* 25% width */
    input {
        width: 100%; 
        box-sizing: border-box; 
    <div class="input-container">
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div> 
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
        <div><input /></div>
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