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function computerRandom(){
var compImgs = ["rock1Computer.png", "paper1Computer.png", "scissors1Computer.png"];
var compRps =  Math.floor(Math.random() * compImgs);

const showComp = document.canvas.src = compImgs[compRps];
var showImg = compImgs[showComp];


<div class="playerBtn">
    <button type="button" onclick="showPRock()" onclick="computerRandom()"  id="rockBtn">Rock</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="showPPaper()" onclick="computerRandom()" id="paperBtn">Paper</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="showPScissors()" onclick="computerRandom()" id="scissorsBtn">Scissors</button>

this is the stack overflow editor that shos the code this way the format is fine.
i made a function to generate a random image, but it isn’t working and I’m not sure why.



  1. If I understand correctly, you should change your var compRps = Math.floor(Math.random() * compImgs); to var compRps = Math.floor(Math.random() * compImgs.length);.

    As Andy said in comments, your trying to multiply it by array instead of number of elements it contains.

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  2. Your try has a lot of mistakes. I write out a whole code for you and explain it here.


    <div class="playerBtn">
        <button type="button" onclick="showPRock()" onclick="computerRandom()"  id="rockBtn">Rock</button>
        <button type="button" onclick="showPPaper()" onclick="computerRandom()" id="paperBtn">Paper</button>
        <button type="button" onclick="showPScissors()" onclick="computerRandom()" id="scissorsBtn">Scissors</button>
    <img src = "rock1Computer.png" alt = "Computer chooses rock!"id = "imgrock">
    <img src = "paper1Computer.png" alt = "Computer chooses paper!"id = "imgpaper">
    <img src = "scissors1Computer.png" alt = "Computer chooses scissors!"id = "imgscissors">

    Your html is mostly fine. I also added imgs assuming "rock1Computer.png", "paper1Computer.png" and "scissors1Computer.png" are actual paths


    function computerRandom(){
    var compImgs = ["rock1Computer.png", "paper1Computer.png", "scissors1Computer.png"];
    var compRps =  Math.floor(Math.random() * compImgs.length);
    const showComp = compImgs[compRps];
    var showImg = document.getElementById("img" + showComp.split("1")[0]); = "block"

    we take a random string from the array then we take the characters before 1 (either rock paper or scissors) and we make them visible


    [id^="img"] {
        display: none;

    we hide the img elements from before

    This answer should work

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