I am building a memory game and i have some code that works if i click the image it shows the name of the image in the console.
I tried to research it but can’t find any answer.
How do i select image name value for my ImageURL variable?
This is what i have now in my code:
function populateField() {
for (let i = 0; i < myCardSet.length; i++) {
let newTile = document.createElement('div');
let newCard = document.createElement('img');
let imageURL = newCard.getAttribute('name')
newCard.setAttribute('src', imageURL)
newCard.setAttribute('name', imageURL)
let img = {
src: 'cover.png',
class: '.covered'
<div id="field"><img src="../begin/img/calf.jpg" alt="" name="calf">
<img src="../begin/img/cat.jpg" alt="" name="cat">
<img src="../begin/img/chick.jpg" alt="" name="chick">
<img src="../begin/img/cow.jpg" alt="" name="cow">
<img src="../begin/img/dog.jpg" alt="" name="dog">
<img src="../begin/img/duck.jpg" alt="" name="duck">
<img src="../begin/img/goat.jpg" alt="" name="goat">
<img src="../begin/img/goose.jpg" alt="" name="goose">
<img src="../begin/img/hen.jpg" alt="" name="hen">
<img src="../begin/img/horse.jpg" alt="" name="horse">
<img src="../begin/img/kitten.jpg" alt="" name="kitten">
<img src="../begin/img/lamb.jpg" alt="" name="lamb">
<img src="../begin/img/pig.jpg" alt="" name="pig">
<img src="../begin/img/piglet.jpg" alt="" name="piglet">
<img src="../begin/img/puppy.jpg" alt="" name="puppy">
<img src="../begin/img/rooster.jpg" alt="" name="rooster">
<img src="../begin/img/sheep.jpg" alt="" name="sheep">
<img src="../begin/img/veal.jpg" alt="" name="veal">
<img src="../begin/img/cat.jpg" alt="" name="cat">
<img src="../begin/img/chick.jpg" alt="" name="chick">
<img src="../begin/img/cow.jpg" alt="" name="cow">
<img src="../begin/img/dog.jpg" alt="" name="dog">
<img src="../begin/img/duck.jpg" alt="" name="duck">
<img src="../begin/img/goat.jpg" alt="" name="goat">
<img src="../begin/img/goose.jpg" alt="" name="goose">
<img src="../begin/img/hen.jpg" alt="" name="hen">
<img src="../begin/img/horse.jpg" alt="" name="horse">
<img src="../begin/img/kitten.jpg" alt="" name="kitten">
<img src="../begin/img/lamb.jpg" alt="" name="lamb">
<img src="../begin/img/pig.jpg" alt="" name="pig">
<img src="../begin/img/piglet.jpg" alt="" name="piglet">
<img src="../begin/img/puppy.jpg" alt="" name="puppy">
<img src="../begin/img/rooster.jpg" alt="" name="rooster">
<img src="../begin/img/sheep.jpg" alt="" name="sheep">
<img src="../begin/img/veal.jpg" alt="" name="veal">
<script src="js/memory.js" type="module"></script>
I get the error 404 not found.
Please help!
thanks already!
This code will iterate the collection of images you have in your html and return the src of each. You can start from here to build the logic you want (unclear from the question)
You can iterate over the
elements that are children of the container withid="field"
. The filename of an image can be found by using thesubString()
method and using the position of the last backslash character in the string.