I’m making a button on the background with a .webp image moving back and forth using CSS keyframes.
Would putting a gif in there be more effective performance-wise?
Here’s a video for visibility:
I’m making a button on the background with a .webp image moving back and forth using CSS keyframes.
Would putting a gif in there be more effective performance-wise?
Here’s a video for visibility:
No, the current approach is better because:
Also, GIF is a rather bad format for today’s standards. It only supports 256 different colors for each frame and there are much better image compression schemes than the one used by GIF. An animated WebP/AVIF or an H.264/VP9/AV1 video would be a much better alternative, but in this simple case CSS animations are the most efficient method.
Using a WebP image for your moving button would generally be a better choice. It provides smaller file sizes and better animation capabilities compared to GIF.
Here are some references and resources related to using WebP and GIF images for web development:
WebP References:
Google Developers – WebP: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp
Official documentation from Google about the WebP image format, including details about compression, supported features, and usage.
Can I Use – WebP: https://caniuse.com/webp
GIF References:
MDN Web Docs – GIF: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Image_types#gif
Detailed information about the GIF image format, its features, limitations, and usage considerations.
GIPHY – GIF Guide: https://giphy.com/gifguide
Performance Optimization:
Smashing Magazine – "Image Optimization": https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/05/image-optimization-webp-avif/#using-the-webp-format
Google Developers – "Optimize images": https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/image-optimization