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I have the following DOM layout:

<div style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2);outline:1px solid red;display:inline">
  This should be marked
  <div>i want this too</div>
  and this too

I want to style the outer div that is outlines or colors the background of its whole area, the inner div included, like in the Chrome devtools if you select a part of the DOM:

desired result

My restriction is that I cannot change the styles inside the span, it has always different children (I can write any CSS to the outer span though, that doesn’t change the position/dimensions). Basically I want to replicate the Chrome devtools DOM highlighter.

How to do this?



  1. It works exactly the way you want:

    <span style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2);outline:1px solid red; display: block;">
      <div style="display:block">I want this too</div>

    Although simply changing the display property of your span will do the trick but I think it is something that you should not do. span can be inside of a div but a div should not be inside of a span.

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  2. Why it is happening

    The <span> tag has display: inline property enabled by default. It says the browser to embed text content and child tags with display: inline to text. For example:

    .styled {
      border: 5px dashed deeppink;
      background: #00cccc;
    <p>Lorem <span class="styled">ips<b>um</b></span> dolor sit amet...</p>
    <!-- <b> has display: inline by default -->
    <p>Lorem <span class="styled">ips<div style="font-weight: bold; ">um</div></span> dolor sit amet...</p>
    <!-- <div> has display: block by default, so it has not been styled -->


    You can replace this tag by <div> or set display: block; property to it, so your code will look like:

    <span style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2);
                 outline: 1px solid red;
                 display: block;">
      <div style="display: block;">I want this too</div>

    Solution 2

    As said in comments to a question, it’s unwelcome to put <div> into a <span>, so you can try this:

    <div style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2);
                 outline: 1px solid red;">
      <div>I want this too</div>

    And remember that have display: block; enabled by default, so you do not need to enable it (fixed in solution 2)

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