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Im currently trying center and angular component element in the center of an svg path element. but i can not find the way to make this possible. the idea is getting something like this:

enter image description here

the line connecting the boxes is the svg path, and + button is the element i want to position in the middle no matter how long is the line between the two boxes.

currently this is how the HTML looks like.


<div class="relative">
  <svg data-testid="connection" #svg>
    <path [ngClass]="{ 'source-connected': !!data.source, 'target-connected': !! }" [attr.d]="path" /> ----> path element
  <exb-node-menu #menu></exb-node-menu> ----> need to position in the center

here you can find a simple working example of the issue sandbox, in the folder custom-connection you can find the svg with button i need to place in the center of the svg



  1. I not sure if it’s possible to do this with path, but if you use lines it’s make things a lot simpler.

    The midpoint of the line. The midpoint MM between two points A(x1,y1)A(x1​,y1​) and B(x2,y2)B(x2​,y2​) is given by:

    enter image description here

    here is an example svg.

    here’s an example

    let selectedElement = null;
      let offsetX, offsetY;
      document.getElementById('startCircle').addEventListener('mousedown', startDrag);
      document.getElementById('endCircle').addEventListener('mousedown', startDrag);
      document.getElementById('svgCanvas').addEventListener('mousemove', drag);
      document.getElementById('svgCanvas').addEventListener('mouseup', endDrag);
      document.getElementById('svgCanvas').addEventListener('mouseleave', endDrag);
      function startDrag(evt) {
        selectedElement =;
        offsetX = evt.clientX - parseFloat(selectedElement.getAttribute('cx'));
        offsetY = evt.clientY - parseFloat(selectedElement.getAttribute('cy'));
      function drag(evt) {
        if (selectedElement) {
            let coord = getMousePosition(evt);
            selectedElement.setAttribute('cx', coord.x);
            selectedElement.setAttribute('cy', coord.y);
            if ( === 'startCircle') {
                document.getElementById('lineElement').setAttribute('x1', coord.x);
                document.getElementById('lineElement').setAttribute('y1', coord.y);
            } else if ( === 'endCircle') {
                document.getElementById('lineElement').setAttribute('x2', coord.x);
                document.getElementById('lineElement').setAttribute('y2', coord.y);
            // Update the center circle's position
            let x1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lineElement').getAttribute('x1'));
            let y1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lineElement').getAttribute('y1'));
            let x2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lineElement').getAttribute('x2'));
            let y2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lineElement').getAttribute('y2'));
            let midX = (x1 + x2) / 2;
            let midY = (y1 + y2) / 2;
            document.getElementById('centerCircle').setAttribute('cx', midX);
            document.getElementById('centerCircle').setAttribute('cy', midY);
      function endDrag(evt) {
        selectedElement = null;
      function getMousePosition(evt) {
        let CTM = document.getElementById('svgCanvas').getScreenCTM();
        return {
          x: (evt.clientX - CTM.e + offsetX) / CTM.a,
          y: (evt.clientY - CTM.f + offsetY) / CTM.d
      <svg height="310" width="550" id="svgCanvas">
        <!-- Line -->
        <line id="lineElement" x1="5" y1="5" x2="200" y2="200" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2" />
        <!-- Circle at the start of the line -->
        <circle id="startCircle" cx="5" cy="5" r="5" style="fill:rgb(255,0,0)" />
        <!-- Circle at the end of the line -->
        <circle id="endCircle" cx="200" cy="200" r="5" style="fill:rgb(255,0,0)" />
        <!-- Circle at the mid of the line -->
        <circle id="centerCircle" cx="102.5" cy="102.5" r="5" style="fill:rgb(0,255,0)" />

    ckeck out this solution

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  2. I have this solution for u. You will have to adjust the button position because now it points to the top, left corner. I hope this helps u.

    import {
    } from "@angular/core";
    import { ClassicPreset } from "rete";
      selector: "connection",
      template: `
        <div style="border:solid 1px red;">
          <svg #mySVG data-testid="connection" width="500" height="300">
              <path id="MyPath" [attr.d]="path" />
            <use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="red" />
            <foreignObject xlink:href="#MyPath">
              <div style="border:1px green solid">I'm a div inside a SVG.</div>
            Random button
      styleUrls: ["./custom-connection.component.sass"]
    export class CustomConnectionComponent implements OnChanges {
      @Input() data!: ClassicPreset.Connection<
      public cx = 0;
      public cy = 0;
      @ViewChild("mySVG") mySVG!: ElementRef;
      _start: any;
      _end: any;
      @Input() set start(value: any) {
        this._start = value;
      @Input() set end(value: any) {
        this._end = value;
      @Input() path: string;
      ngOnChanges(): void {
        console.log("_start ", this._start);
        console.log("_end ", this._end);
        if (
          this._start === undefined ||
          this._start === null ||
          this._end === undefined ||
          this._end === null
        let x = this._start.x - this._end.x;
        let y = this._start.y - this._end.y; =
          x < 0 ? Math.abs(x) / 2 + this._start.x : Math.abs(x) / 2 + this._end.x; =
          y < 0 ? Math.abs(y) / 2 + this._start.y : Math.abs(y) / 2 + this._end.y;
        console.log("go ",, " - ",;
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