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I am trying to test a blazor component. In the logic of the component i set some text in an subdiv somewhere inside the component. Now i want to verify that the text is set properly:


At the moment i use the following code to instantiate the component. Now i want to verify that "title" is actually used as the title.

public void TestSomething()
    // act
    var cut = RenderComponent<MyComponent>(parameters => parameters
        .Add(p => p.Title, "title")

Now how would i verify that "title" is actually rendered in the right place?

I found two approaches: either i build an system to generate unique ids throughout my whole project or i just set static ids. Both are either way to much work or end in duplicate ids. Are there any better approaches to test something like this?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Figured it out myself: i just use a custom data attribute, e.g. data-id-abcd I can reference this in bUnit using the following CSS selector: [data-id-abcd].

    For every tag i want to access i create a custom attribute with some random 4-digit hex id. Using this technique i can identify tags without having some duplicate ids. Further it keeps the code pretty clean and maintainable as it only adds a hand full of attributes to every component.

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