Very new to this – teaching myself Python/flask etc.
I have code trying to make my own word guessing game. I have html code to produce a keyboard and return a clicked key. It works fine returning to app route but crashes with "Method Not Allowed The method is not allowed for the requested URL." if I change the return redirect from / to /goPlay in the def key() code at the end of the python code.
Here is python main code
""" rebuild LockUp """
from flask import Flask, render_template, request,session,redirect
from functionsLockup import pickWord,translateWord
# not needed intil lanuage select is enabled
# from functionsLockup import translateWord
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'your_secret_key'
def jailMan():
""" start here - collect game control info from the player """
# We need to add words in language for each language and pass over
return render_template('index.html',newPlayer=True)
@app.route('/goPlay', methods=['POST'])
def goPlay():
""" function starts a game with the named user """
class game:
""" class stores the game control and result data """
def __init__(
self, playerName, theWord,theLanguage,theGuessedWord,
self.playerName = playerName
self.theWord = theWord
self.language = theLanguage
self.theGuessedWord = theGuessedWord
self.guessCount = guessCount
self.maxGuessCount = maxGuessCount
self.wrongGuessCount = wrongGuessCount
self.keyPressed = key
# # set up the object for this game
# Go pick and save a word
theWordSelected = pickWord()
# add translation switch here
if request.method == "POST":
theWordSelected = translateWord(theWordSelected,thisGame.language)
# and set up the blank copy of that word
thisGame.theGuessedWord = thisGame.theWord.replace(theWordSelected, "_" * len(theWordSelected))
# thisGame.keyPressed = session["key"]
# now go play
if request.method == "POST":
if request.form['btnGoPlay'] == "GoPlay":
return render_template('goPlay.html',theGame=thisGame)
return render_template('goExit.html')
@app.route("/key", methods=["POST"])
def key():
session["key"] = request.form.get("key")
return redirect("/goPlay")
if __name__ == "__main__":
And here is the keyboard code (though that might not be relevant).
{% block content %}
<div class="clsKeyboard">
<form class="clsKBForm" action="/key" method="POST">
<!-- Numbers - for some languages -->
<div class="clsRow clsRow0">
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key"> </button>
<!-- Row 1 -->
<div class="clsRow clsRow1">
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="Q" type="submit">Q</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="W" type="submit">W</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="E" type="submit">E</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="R" type="submit">R</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="T" type="submit">T</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="Y" type="submit">Y</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="U" type="submit">U</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="I" type="submit">I</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="O" type="submit">O</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="P" type="submit">P</button>
<!-- Row 2 -->
<div class="clsRow clsRow2">
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="A" type="submit">A</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="S" type="submit">S</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="D" type="submit">D</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="F" type="submit">F</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="T" type="submit">G</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="H" type="submit">H</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="J" type="submit">J</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="K" type="submit">K</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="L" type="submit">L</button>
<!-- Row 3 -->
<div class="clsRow clsRow3">
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="Z" type="submit">Z</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="X" type="submit">X</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="C" type="submit">C</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="V" type="submit">V</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="B" type="submit">B</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="N" type="submit">N</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="M" type="submit">M</button>
<button class="clsKey" name="key" value="P" type="submit">P</button>
{% endblock %}
Stuck! Can anyone give me a hand here please??
When you’re doing a
at the end of yourkey
route you’re changing to aGET
request which isn’t allowed on yourgoPlay
route.You need to add a route decorator for the "/goPlay" endpoint that handles GET requests. For example:
This will allow the "/goPlay" endpoint to handle both POST and GET requests.
When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the
function will be called and will return the appropriate response.