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I’m trying to use backbone.undo.js to implement undo and redo function into my html/javascript web app.

I understand that I need to do this

//Instantiate your UndoManager
var undoManager = new Backbone.UndoManager({
    register: object,
    track: true

But I do not know what the object is.

I have already created the undo buttons as follows

$(document).on("click", ".UNDO", function() { 
$(document).on("click", ".REDO", function() { 

I believe that this does not work because I have not configured "object" correctly. But the tutorial video did not go into that.

What step am I missing?

update 05/02

I think the step I am missing looks something like this

var sitebody = $('body');
var bodyModel = new Backbone.Model();

I just want to get undo working on my entire page so it seems logical that I would register the body. What am I missing?
This code does not work.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I ended up writing my own undo redo script. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

    // Array to store the page states
    var pageStates = [];
    // Arrays to store undo and redo states
    var undoStates = [];
    var redoStates = [];
    // Function to track changes and store page state
    function trackChanges() {
      // Get the current state of the page
      var currentState = $("#PAGE").html();
      // Add the current state to the array
      // Keep only the last 10 states
      if (pageStates.length > 20) {
      // Clear the redo stack whenever a new change is made
      redoStates = [];
    // Function to undo the last page state
    function undo() {
      // Check if there are any previous states to undo to
      if (pageStates.length > 1) {
        // Get the previous state from the array
        var previousState = pageStates.pop();
        // Add the current state to the redo array
        // Update the page with the previous state
        $("#PAGE").html(pageStates[pageStates.length - 1]);
        // Add the previous state to the undo array
    // Function to redo the last undone state
    function redo() {
      // Check if there are any newer states to redo to
      if (redoStates.length > 0) {
        // Get the next state from the redo array
        var nextState = redoStates.pop();
        // Add the current state to the undo array
        // Update the page with the next state
        // Add the next state to the pageStates array
    // Call trackChanges whenever text input changes happen
    $(document).on('input', function() {

  2. Pro tip: video tutorials are nice, but make sure to always read the written documentation as well. It tends to include details that videos will omit for brevity.

    In this case, the writing under the video explains that register should be a model, a collection or an array of models and collections.

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