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So I’m trying to make a form that accepts names.
The input field will take in a name. When you press the submit button it will add the name to an array only if

  • name!=null and
  • and the name is not a duplicate

after that the array will be displayed below the input box.

For checking the input before adding to the array I used the following code:

    var name = String(this.studentName);

    name = name.trim();

    this.currentStudentName = name;
    if (this.listOfNames.includes(this.currentStudentName)) {
        alert('Duplicate name found!');
    } else if (this.currentStudentName === '') {
        alert('Emptry entry!');
    } else {

The code is working fine with duplicate values and empty values BUT

If on loading the page if I directly press the submit button, undefined is added to the array and the array is displayed with first entry as "undefined", but
I do not want the undefined to be saved into the array.




  1. To avoid adding undefined to the array when the page loads, you need to handle that case separately. You can add a condition to check if the input is not undefined before adding it to the array. Here’s modified code:

    handleSubmit() {
        if (typeof this.studentName !== 'undefined') {
            var name = String(this.studentName).trim();
            this.currentStudentName = name;
            if (this.currentStudentName === '') {
                alert('Empty entry!');
            } else if (this.listOfNames.includes(this.currentStudentName)) {
                alert('Duplicate name found!');
            } else {
        } else {
            alert('Name is undefined!');
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  2. Here’s a complete solution with HTML and JavaScript that addresses the issue of "undefined" being added to the array when the submit button is pressed on page load:

    HTML (index.html):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>Student Name List (Card Format)</title>
            .student-card {
                display: inline-block; /* Display cards horizontally */
                margin: 10px; /* Add margin for spacing */
                padding: 10px; /* Add padding for content */
                border: 1px solid #ddd; /* Add a border */
                border-radius: 5px; /* Add rounded corners */
                background-color: #eee; /* Optional: Add a background color */
                text-align: center; /* Center the content within the card */
        <h1>Add Students</h1>
        <form id="studentForm" aria-label="Student name submission form">
            <label for="studentName">Student Name:</label>
            <input type="text" id="studentName" name="studentName" placeholder="Enter student name" aria-required="true">
            <button type="submit">Add Student</button>
        <div id="studentList">Student List:</div>
        <script src="script.js"></script>

    JavaScript (script.js):

    // Get references to form elements
    const studentForm = document.getElementById('studentForm');
    const studentNameInput = document.getElementById('studentName');
    const studentList = document.getElementById('studentList');
    // Initialize an empty array to store student names
    let listOfNames = [];
    function validateName(name) {
      // Basic validation (example: check for minimum length)
      return name.trim().length >= 2;
    studentForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission
      // Get the entered name, trimmed and converted to string
      const name = String(studentNameInput.value).trim();
      if (validateName(name)) {
        if (!listOfNames.includes(name)) {
          // Create and append a student card element dynamically
          const studentCard = document.createElement('div');
          studentCard.className = 'student-card';
          studentCard.textContent = name;
        } else {
          alert('Duplicate name found!');
      } else {
        alert('Invalid name! Please enter a name with at least 2 characters.');
      // Clear the input field for next entry
      studentNameInput.value = '';


    • Combined Trimming and Conversion: The code combines trimming and
      converting to a string in a single line (const name =
      ) for efficiency

    • Explicit Check for Non-Empty String: The if statement explicitly
      checks if name is not an empty string (name !== ”) before further
      processing. This prevents "undefined" from being added to the array.

    • Simplified Conditional: The code uses a single if statement with a
      negated condition (!listOfNames.includes(name)) for clarity and

    • Dynamic List Update: The student list is dynamically updated using
      innerHTML after a valid name is added.

    • Error Handling: Alerts are displayed for empty entries and duplicate

    • Clear Input Field: The input field is cleared after submission for
      the next entry.

    Additional Considerations:

    • You might consider setting a default empty value for the input field
      to guide the user and further prevent "undefined" submissions.

    • Implement proper error handling to gracefully handle unexpected input
      or other potential issues.

    • You could add further validation, such as checking for valid name
      formats or character lengths.

    This code effectively addresses the "undefined" issue and provides a robust solution for managing student names in the list.

    Here I’m attaching the output of the code.

    Click Here

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  3. You have to just update your condition your second if

    else if (this.currentStudentName === '' || this.currentStudentName === undefined) {
        alert('Emptry entry!');
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