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I wanted to make a website for the first time, but it’s too hard

Here I downloaded a world map.I set the width: 100% height: auto, but why is the map cropped? I want to know the reason.

and also I wonder why the background color doesn’t fill up

I put background color in body tag in css file, but it was still white. I put svg in inline.



  1. object-fit property

    There is a css property called object-fit

    img {
      object-fit: contain;

    This will prevent your image from being cropped.

    Another commonly used value for this property is cover

    img {
      object-fit: cover;

    cover makes your img fits the width and the height with no whitespaces, and the image will be cropped.

    More info: W3Schools object-fit

    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. There is a lack of information in your question. But I can make an educated guess at what your problem is.

    The most likely reason you are having problems is that you haven’t given the browser enough information on how to scale the map. In order to scale the SVG, the browser needs to know what the extent of the content in the SVG is. It does that by using the SVG attribute viewBox. A width and height by themselves is not enough. Unfortunately, your SVG does not have a viewBox defined. So the browser will not scale it. It will just draw it at 1:1 scale. Meaning that most of the map may be off the screen because the map default size is 1009.6727 x 665.96301 (pixels).

    The solution is to give the SVG a viewBox attribute. You can just use the existing width and height values for that. In my example, I’ve just rounded them up to the nearest whole number:

    <svg ... viewBox="0 0 1010 666"...>
    body {
      background-color: rebeccapurple;
    svg {
      width: 100%;
      height: auto;
      background-color: yellow;
       mapsvg:geoViewBox="-169.110266 83.600842 190.486279 -58.508473"
       viewBox="0 0 1010 666">
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-0.213,-0.196 -0.035,-0.121 0.259,-0.14 0.14,-0.043 0.196,0.262 -0.028,-0.208 0.046,-0.184 0.277,-0.301 0.363,-0.496 0.116,0.173 0.019,0.209 -0.018,0.253 0.075,-0.087 0.025,-0.229 -0.056,-0.403 0.454,-0.743 0.09,-0.083 0.1,-0.05 0.158,-0.02 -0.049,-0.112 -0.123,-0.108 0.124,-0.376 0.074,-0.429 0.105,-0.412 0.169,-0.402 0.185,-0.67 0.141,-0.14 0.381,-0.048 0.167,-0.094 0.278,-0.241 0.329,-0.436 0.176,-0.351 0.231,-0.905 0.13,-0.943 0.374,-0.697 0.549,-0.503 0.483,-0.382 0.198,-0.08 0.334,-0.024 0.318,0.105 -0.592,0.092 -0.061,0.227 -0.019,0.23 0.068,0.206 0.106,0.184 0.287,0.173 0.336,0.103 0.15,0.39 0.027,0.463 0.046,0.398 0.136,0.349 z m 2.243,-1.541 -0.376,0.215 0.016,-0.149 0.073,-0.325 0.171,-0.164 0.084,-0.011 0.172,-0.123 -0.019,0.272 -0.121,0.285 z m -19.464,16.519 0.121,0.477 -0.257,-0.091 -0.107,-0.145 0.196,-0.239 0.047,-0.002 z m -0.654,1.898 -0.015,0.197 -0.033,0.099 -0.098,10e-4 -0.146,-0.022 -0.143,-0.091 -0.092,0.026 -0.076,-0.033 0.099,-0.222 0.333,-0.118 0.128,0.095 0.043,0.068 z m 3.925,4.881 0.002,0.163 -0.293,-0.058 0.006,0.183 0.231,0.097 0.085,0.132 0.24,-0.038 0.054,0.197 -0.056,0.177 -0.16,0.129 -0.474,0.065 -0.308,0.257 -0.266,-0.039 -0.072,0.023 -0.305,0.276 -0.341,0.085 -0.093,-0.021 0.047,-0.246 0.254,-0.233 0.005,-0.224 0.065,-0.179 0.243,-0.126 0.004,-0.232 0.164,-0.207 -0.1,-0.445 0.053,-0.399 0.482,-0.022 0.533,0.685 z m -5.399,16.581 0.061,0.373 -0.154,0.001 -0.321,-0.104 -0.101,-0.159 -0.068,-0.039 -0.117,0.185 -0.188,0.009 -0.042,-0.062 0.074,-0.197 0.443,-0.372 0.083,-0.467 -0.006,-0.15 0.348,-0.035 0.082,0.057 0.037,0.064 -0.022,0.082 -0.141,0.154 -0.005,0.178 0.036,0.186 -0.115,0.09 0.06,0.16 0.056,0.046 z m 8.299,7.828 0.155,0.234 -0.298,0.102 -0.145,-0.085 -0.102,-0.107 -0.051,-0.151 0.161,0.016 0.139,-0.063 0.141,0.054 z"
         title="New Zealand"
         id="NZ" />

    Note: in case it isn’t obvious: I’ve reduced the map to two countries so it will fit in a code snippet.

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