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<div class="o-text99">
"No "
" found"

I want to identify all the text from the div, and class attribute value is dynamic, so class attribute value number keep changes.

Note: after "No" there is space and before "found" there is a space.

I’ve tried with below XPath:


But, unable to find the results.
Could anybody help me with xpath for identify all the text within the same div?



  1. This XPath,


    will select all div elements with a class attribute value that starts with o-text.

    This XPath,

    //div[normalize-space() = 'No messages found']

    will select all div elements whose space-normalized string-value is 'No messages found'.

    You can combine the two conditions via and,

    //div[starts-with(@class,'o-text') and normalize-space() = 'No messages found']

    or via a compound predicate:

    //div[starts-with(@class,'o-text')][normalize-space() = 'No messages found']

    Note: If it’s actually the text nodes themselves that you wish to select,
    append /text() to whichever above XPath expresses the types of div element you’re looking for.

    If there’s only one such div element in the document, and you want its string-value you can place the expression within a string() function in XPath 1.0, or append /string() in higher versions of XPath to take the string values of all such divs in the document.

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  2. As addition to kjhughes answer
    If the div contains these "-chars as well you probably could use this XPath:

         [contains(text() = '"No "']
         [contains(text() = '"messages"']
         [contains(text() = '" found"']
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